As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I had this song in my head the other morning when I woke up, including the instrumental. Christian music all sucks now, and I would think Coronavirus came to wipe it out as God can only take so much ugly I would think.
No money or time to cut the track, of course it would get lots of Christian radio play, as they think listening to Jesus tunes saves you, and it would make me a fortune.
Decent enough poem though without music, as they are called lyrics.
The Viking said he missed the prose. But then he is out prowling around in the wilderness of the metro, doing Viking bro things, as he should be doing.
Anyway this is the song without the tune.
Blue is the green of my valley
Red is my sky up above
Jesus are you coming in the clouds, Lord
The world sure needs your kind of Love
I thought I would die from a virus
A bioweapon plague of some kind of bug
Jesus carry me through, Lord
I know we sure could use a God hug.
I keep hearing reports of a light called Wormwood
Falling with the stars of the sky
Jesus, You promised to come back quickly, Lord
Or else I know we are all going to die
All of the events of the End Times
End up in a war called Armageddon
Jesus, You have the world's attention, Lord
I pray for thy Kingdom to come.