Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Corona Zombie Cases

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are two cases out of numerous unreported cases of young adults contracting Coronavirus and becoming critical or dead, like those laying in the streets of China.

I have warned you before by the way the Jews of  Tel Aviv were reacting that something was off in this in Jews knew from the start that this virus was lethal to them as an Ashkenaz people. The Ashkenaz are Asians, not Judahites, but converts, and a case of  young woman in New York who is Ashkenaz bares witness of this manifestation of the Corona Zombie.

A 26-year-old New York City woman says the coronavirus landed her in a hospital on oxygen — despite having no underlying symptoms that would put her at higher risk for the bug, according to a report.
Fiona Lowenstein told told CNN she had planned to ride out the illness at home after coming down with a fever on March 13.
“The fever persisted through the next day when I started to experience a cough,” Lowenstein said.
But within two days, she said she started feeling better and was under the impression that the worst was over.
“I started planning to take a shower on Monday, get back to some of my household tasks,” Lowenstein said.
The next day, however, she started vomiting and experiencing shivers as well as shortness of breath.
“It exacerbated throughout Monday to the point where I had to go to the ER because I couldn’t speak, couldn’t walk, couldn’t eat,” she told the outlet

In some ways, this Corona strain mirrors, Toxic Shock Syndrome in women, which was an ordeal a few years ago in using bad tampons. It would be fascinating if it were not so macabre.

Austria's Chancellor warned early by Benjamin Netanyahu over Coronavirus Threat

There is the case of a young British woman Chloe Middleton who died from the virus who was quite Anglo, like the numbers of Anglos who perished from the 1918 Flu.
Another young Negroid woman in New York was on life support, when these cases are not supposed to be taking place in numbers, but as I look at the numbers, in even toxic South Dakota, the female rates are almost equaling the males and the infection rate is moving into the under 50 years of age group. The 50 to 59 group is an outlier as those people travel, have money and get into trouble, so they have a higher infection rate, like geezer Jews on cruise ships.

21 Yr Old Brit With No Pre-Existing Health Conditions
Dies Of CV

 I am not sounding the all clear with this virus, but there are puzzling complications from it, in why it is killing specific people. We all heard geezers and men were the targets, and yet the mystery cases are young females.

I want to in this update to inform you again of something. In the American infection rate, there are numerous FOREIGNERS being listed too who are invaders, and that includes the dead. 

New Gingrich who is in Rome, under quarantine reported on Sean Homo Hannity today the infection rate in Italy, was built upon not Pakistani exposure, or geezer Italians, but on the 100,000 Chinese workers in the country, for the PLA based corporate structure.
Just as in Washington with infected Chinese health workers, just as in California and New York, the Chinese in America are the spread source of the pandemics. They are the hot zones. 

If you look at the rates though, the United States is having a really mild reaction, even in the hot zones. That is not to state that the plume will not appear, but the numbers this week that I am reviewing in not Corona Coastal Crescent areas are very favorable or good. California is reaching an infection rate, and there is a very nasty hot spot in Kansas City and St. Louis building (St. Louis is Jewish related), but Vancouver in British Columbia is not a hot spot, and for Chicago have a Chinatown and being an early infection spot and target, that virus did not take hold there in the same numbers that New York, Washington and California experienced. There is a definite reason for this and it may involve those Israelite Lost 10 Tribe bloodlines in Chicago. There was something that held the virus back there after repeated exposures.

Just as a forest fire there are burn over areas of green, and Corona will not infect numbers of people, even after deliberate infection attempts.

As Maggie pointed out to me, Corona as much as Lyme loves A blood types. I am expecting these women have that type, or have antigens and are not  O. There is something in the soup of red blood cells which these biological weapons are neutralized by, and when that is not in the blood, Corona goes high infection rate.

China does not have the infamous Black Plague protection in it's genes which Europeans and Lost 10 Americans have. I have not the time to delve into all of this as some rich people dd not make the big donations yet to save themselves, so I could figure out what is in that soup of factors which causes all of this.

I close with that as this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

