Thursday, March 26, 2020

Indict Coronavirus

Indict my Coronavirus and arrest it's infection of my body politic...


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am tired of saving the rich and their not donating, so I will not explain this post in detail, only to state that the United States has no authority to indict the Dictator of Venezuela, as US Law does not have jurisdiction outside it's borders.

This all comes from George HW Bush and the current Attorney General who wrote an illegal finding that the US could arrest President Noreiga of Panama on like charges.
Considering the Jewish regime in Tel Aviv was SUPPLYING THE DRUGS to Panama, and no Jewish officials were ever indicted, exposes the second fraud in this.

Breaking: U.S. indicts socialist Venezuelan President Maduro on drug trafficking charges   justthenews

If the US can indict other leaders, then Tehran can indict the US Government and sentence them all to death. It is ludicrous.

There are two remedies for drug running. First is war with Venezuela as that is the only legal right a nation has, or the second to round up and excecute all the bankers laundering money into Wall Street, their pimps, the CIA and people who use drugs.

The Attorney General would be best to indict criminals like this:

Missouri Man Charged With Terroristic Threats For Licking Walmart Products – JONATHAN TURLEY   jonathanturley

Or indict Kathy Griffith for fake corona virus celeberity or Adam Schiff and hang them all after trial, by sundown.

Nuff Said

Donate you rich bastards until it hurts, because I warned you about Wall Street tanking and I have been saving your lives in Coronavirus.

One more thing to Homeland, cut the bullshit Homeland in targeting White Americans. How about you investigate a Taiwanese conglomperate who took blood samples out of China and that same virus killing children, ended up in Teluride Colorado, as one of their founders resides there.
That is a smoking gun, so quit trying to smoke Caucasians for being like Ronald Reagan.

Homeland Security Memo Warns Violent Extremists Could Take Advantage of Vulnerable Time - Gregg Jarrett   thegreggjarrett 

Nuff Said really NUFF SAID.
