As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Remember not that long ago when those goddamn cheating Taiwan phone makers about burned my house down and then would not replace my phone?
Remember when I ordered some movies on Ebay and a goddamn Chinaman cheated me by sending me a bean bag?
I remember all that, just like the goddamn Chinese bitch who stole money concerning a wedding dress.
In remembering all of that, remember that God avenges, and now Coronavirus is come to purpose.
The lesson is, do not touch the Lame Cherry, and that goes for you other cheating bitches and bastards who think you are getting away with things and your portfolios are going to protect you. I told you TICK TOCK.
Yeah tick tock.
This butterfly wing might take some time to get the hurricane flowing, but it is a perfect storm.
Nuff Said