Monday, April 6, 2020

A Corona Blood Sucker

Of course honey, I love being married to an old, fat, erectile dysfunctional...
oh that' right you have a big wallet like Rush Limbaugh.

“He’s single,” Ms. Stotts said when Dr. Haseltine bought the condo. “I think he’s got plenty of room there.” But after he married Venezuelan socialite and philanthropist Maria Eugenia 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you do not recognize the Corona Blood Sucker above, this is Dr. Hazeltine, who was featured on Dana Perino's show, where he attacked Donald Trump and Chloroquine as a quack drug and horrid leadership.

The problem for Dr. Hazeltine is Chloroquine is now being championed by Governor Cuomo as it is saving lives, and numbers of democratic lives.

Fox guest describes malaria drug as 'quack cure' for coronavirus

A guest on Fox News is criticizing calls to use the anti -malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, calling it a "quack cure" typical of epidemics.
"That is nonsense, complete and utter nonsense," Access Health International Chairman William Haseltine said in response to a direct question from Fox News's Dana Perino about the drug, which repeatedly has been touted by President Trump as a treatment for coronavirus victims.
Haseltine said that it was "sad" to see people in positions of authority promoting usage of the drug without sufficient tests for its effectiveness.

Who is Bill Haseltine? A most interesting multi millionaire who made a fortune in sucking off of Government associations in not finding cures of HIV or Cancer, but founding departments at Harvard, the same place which had the infamous Obama professor who built the Wuhan Coronavirus lab.

William A. Haseltine is an American biologist, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is known for his groundbreaking work on HIV/AIDS and the human genome. Haseltine was a professor at Harvard Medical School where he founded two research departments on cancer and HIV/AIDS

Haseltine now that he has made millions, is like Dr. Fauci, not content for gold, or in Haseltine's case, foreign blonde pussy to validate himself. No Haseltine has not revealed to the public that he is championing sucking blood from humans over Coronavirus, in a most expensive cure, compared to the affordable and widely available Chloroquine and Ivomec.

Antibodies From Recovered Patients For Possible Treatment And Prevention Of COVID-19

In New York City, the new epicenter of the pandemic, the New York Blood Center has already started to collect blood plasma donations from convalescent COVID-19 patients for therapeutic use.

Apparently getting your old limp cock sucked by a foreign blonde, gives you that dumb ass expression on your face like Harvey Weinstein always had, and posing with your hand under your chin makes you look thoughtful, but in reality, it makes you look like an old fool, and when the further information appears in what Dr. Haseltine is about psychologically in needing a foreign young blonde to validate his weak ego, his making a career out of sucking money from resources to not find cures, and now trashing the President and placing millions of American lives in jeopardy of death, this becomes a matter for the FBI to investigate insider power trading for profit and over 300 million counts of homicide in the Americans he refused a treatment to, so he could suck their blood for profit.

When is President Trump going to mandate People's Courts to deal with the Dr. Haseltine types.

Trump picks White House lawyer to serve as Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery   bizpacreview
