Monday, April 6, 2020

Chloroquine is a Success in New York

Democratic Michigan State Rep. With Coronavirus Credits Trump With Saving Her Life   caller

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There can no longer be any Dr. Anthony Fauci denials for Bill Gates vaccines for profit, in the reality that Democrats are now crediting President Donald Trump with saving their lives with Chloroquine and Governor Cuomo of New York in witnessing the recovery of critical patients, is expanding the use of Chloroquine to treat Coronavirus.

Cuomo Wants Trump Admin to Increase Hydroxychloroquine Supply Since NY Tests Show Promise   legalins

Thousands of coronavirus-infected New Yorkers treated with anti-malarial drug

As many as 4,000 seriously ill coronavirus patients in New York are being treated with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, state health officials say.

The President correctly defined Chloroquine as a game changer and this drug has performed the last minute reprieve by God's Grace. Due to what is beginning to be blunted in New York City from Chloroquine, the projection models for US deaths has been dropped by thousands.

Major Virus Model Updated, Projected US Deaths Drop


Doctor Gives Hydroxychloroquine Thumbs Up: ‘Very Ill’ To ‘Basically Symptom Free’ In Hours   thepoliticalinsider 

Still there are questions and those who ponder if Coronavirus had just been ignored, because it would have been noticed.

What If COVID Had Not Been Noticed

What if no one noticed that a new virus was spreading in China?
Would we have a worldwide panic and stock collapse, toilet paper shortages and draconian stay at home orders?
According to one of the top doctors of infectious disease on the planet, we would have done nothing, and we probably would not have noticed it.
According to Dr. John Ioannidis (MD and Ph.D.) of Stanford University School of Medicine we might have thought we had more flu than usual and that would have been it.
For the vast majority of people who get COVID-19 (over 80%), they just feel bad for a couple of days.

Coronavirous would have been noticed in Chinese industry shutting down. Italy in death throws with Spain would have had the world notice. If President Trump had not began moving against this virus when he did, the United States would have had dead in the streets, and if he had done nothing as Obama did, America would have had 2 million dead by May.

It is also hard to not notice that a British Prime Minister is almost being killed by a strange new virus.

Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as coronavirus symptoms worsen - Axios   axios

I noticed and posted here when a Mexican virus was killing Americans swiftly a few years ago and no one said a thing, and it was covered up. Coronavirus though could not be covered up, even if the cartel is attempting to use their biological weapon to rule the world, this virus would have killed so many people, that old people would have ceased in the United States.

Nuff Said

