Sunday, April 19, 2020

a king of kings

 a king of kings

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Coronavirus is the greatest seed for the birth of the Holy Roman Empire. In the 1930's, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's made a mistake in not returning Kaiser Wilhelm to the throne. If Hitler had a Kaiser, he would have had the means to sue for peace to stop the war, and create an allied front against the Soviets.

In January 2020, the Germans finished the Berlin Palace of the Kaiser, and in that Germany has a palace and no king at present.


Berlin Palace

The reconstruction of the Berlin Palace, January 2020. The original palace—the Hohenzollerns’ main residence from 1701 to 1918—was damaged in World War II and demolished by the East German government. Its rebuilding after German reunification, David Motadel writes, is the result of ‘a new nostalgia for the country’s royal past and a neo-Prussian revival.’

Germany has his own royal family, Hohenzollern. Sebastian Kurz must return them as he must return the Habsburg to Austria Hungary. Germany must have returned their Prussian lands confiscated for Poland, and in this, will be the nucleus for the salvation of Europe through the Motherland and the Fatherland.

  Hohenzollern Family

Sebastian Kurz must be a king of kings to save Europe.

Thanks to a Viking.

Nuff Said
