Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Coronavirus Best and Worst Leadership in the United States

The Pandemic Leaders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump inherited an America which was ripe through open borders a global pandemic. From HW Bush rising China from rice paddies to the biological warfare realm, as Bill Clinton sent jobs to China, W paid bribes to China and Obama bowed to China, the communists of China were a pariah state, by the time the pandemic appeared, and President Trump was hindered by Obama holdovers disregarding Trump's orders to not allow infected people in.

The President restored order in America, but not before the damage was done in the PLA was sending in infected Chinese to spread the plague in Europe and America. Into this were democratic plague hotbeds of taking Chinese bribes and multi culturalism and being deranged about Donald Trump.

The Nation relies on the 50 Governors, and in the trial of Coronavirus, the United States should record the 5 worst Governor of Corona virus and the 5 best Governors.

The worst is Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. Michigan had no idea in choosing this democrat over a Republican that they had elected a plague spreader. Whitmer had one of the early hot zones, but never contained it. Instead when Chloroquine appeared, she not only banned it, but ordered the police state to arrest doctors who prescribed the treatment.

Petition to Recall Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Floods With Signatures   redstate 

Michigan - Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Louisiana - Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards

New Jersey - Democrat Governor Phil Murphy

Virginia - Democrat Ralph Northam

Washington - Democrat Governor Jay Inslee

The rest of this cast is horrid in Louisiana, in knowing a plague was spreading, opened Mardi Gras which made that state a hot zone and then tried to blame the President for not stopping the debauchery.
New Jersey in Phil Murphy, knew that New York City was dying, but kept everything open for commerce, and infected the 5 north counties next to New York with an equal death zone.
Virginia? Black Face Ralph Northam went Obama in not wasting a crisis in passing gun control and opened up even more deaths in butchering babies.

Lastly; is Jay Inslee of Washington. His state was the first targeted by the Chicoms and he had a massive death and infection problem. He played politics, but as Coronavirus moved him to be Conservative, he got an upper hand in the pandemic and Washington is recovering. There should never have been a problem in Washington if Inslee had not created it.

In noting the worst Governors in America, the best should be noted, as they rose to the problem and protected their people and the people of other states.

Mike DeWine of Ohio is the best, as Ohio was hot, and he was one of the first to shut his state down and began blunting the horrendous spread. Ohio is still fighting this pandemic, but like the also mention of Brian Kemp of Georgia, who had real Chinese spread problems in Atlanta and contained the problem in Georgia, these two kept Coronavirus early from making the eastern United States a death zone.

Praise goes to Andrew Cuomo of New York as a strongman leader, who took the disaster of New York City, cooperated with President Donald Trump and began blunting the worst situation in the world in New York City.
Remarkably, Gavin Newsome, another Democrat set aside political issues, worked with the President and kept California from becoming a hot zone as the virus spread there.

Into this are the Governors of North and South Dakota. Kristi Noem kept the pandemic from blooming for a month after it appeared there in force. When Mexicans spread the virus through the communist Chinese owned slaughterhouses in Sioux Falls, she moved quickly to bring in Chloroquine to stop the spread.
Likewise Doug Bergum of North Dakota held from teh beginning the top slot in these United States for the safest place in America. His two hot zones of Bismark and Fargo, both multi foreign slave worker camps, were contained remarkably well after they went hot.

Ohio - Republican Governor Mike DeWine

New York - Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo

California - Democrat Gavin Newsome

North Dakota - Republican Doug Burgum

South Dakota - Republican Kristi Noem

Georgia - Republican Governor Brian Kemp

The United States is as people and Donald Trump is not a dictator. He can only save America so much, as he needs good Governors to lead those states to safety. When it is a responsible Governor, the states remain safe, and if something explodes like in Sioux Falls, Kristi Noem moved fast with a solution instead of playing politics as Gretchen Whitmer did.

Bill Cunningham of Ohio wants America open. He touts that if you take out the hot spots in America, that this pandemic is not that bad. This pandemic is not that bad, because the good Governors shut things down, and the people trusted those Governors, obeyed in their interests and contained the first damaging wave of this pandemic.
If a Governor Whitmer was in charge of Ohio, Ohio would look like New York City. The disasters of Michigan would be in Texas, Florida, Georgia and California and in that, it would take decades for America to recover.

Americans like the idea of a Andrew Cuomo bossing them around when they are scared, but when a pandemic spreads, Cuomo's abuse offends everyone. That is the key in this, in what President Trump has balanced. He understands that Americans are going the direction to save themselves, and with proper direction they will agree to those measures.
On the contrast the politics of a Gretchen Whitmer offends everyone in a pandemic as she threatens people for trying to help each other in order to attack the President.

Fortunately for America, there are 20 other Governors who are not outstanding, but did not stand in the way of protecting America. The Democrat Governor of New Mexico did a fine job and almost made the list of good leaders, while the Democrat Governor of Minnesota was late in shutdowns, and has been managing a hot zone in Minneapolis which should have never happened in those numbers, and he almost made the bad leaders list.

This needs to be remembered as Coronavirus exhibited a wonderful display of the worst leaders in America and the best. More bad things are coming to the United States and the states that have horrid leaders, need to vote for a replacement as soon as possible for the good of the entire nation.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
