Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Canadian Hero: Gabriel Wortman

Gabriel Wortman a Justin Trudeau victim


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Prime Minister Justin Blackface Trudeau does not want the press to provide any homage to Canadian Hero, Gabriel Wortman, it is of course a challenge which will be met here in giving this Canadian Hero, all the publicity he deserves.

For those in the dark about Wortman, he was a most successful Canadian from Nova Scotia. Here we see him being kind to animals, and how even dangerous animals, loved and trusted him.

 Don't worry Bruno, I will protect you.

From reports, Wortman successfully killed 22 Nova Scotia Canadians. I know Nova Scotia as my mum's family fled from that province, after her Gramp married some Wedgwood heir, who was not heir to any money, but he soon was informed, that when he got that girl as a bride, along came her 13 brothers and sisters to take care of. That is one backasswards people up there and you can see what shiftless and worthless folk they are, in Wortman had been playing King up there for years.

I worship the Mounties like a god.


His hobbies seemed to include building shrines to the RCMP. I know what a worthless hobby to have as they have those faggot red uniforms and are always getting their man.....strip searches, cuddling naked.......you know stuff a beaver trapper from Ontario would never engage in.
Wortman also liked shearing Nova Scotia dolts. It was a great hobby as for some reason in Nova Scotia, people just give their homes to you, and Wortman took them, and then they wanted them back, but he would sell them. I mean Nova Scotia is full of Darwin candidates and Wortman simply was the advanced species.

Justin Trudeau should be ashamed of himself, in bullying this dead guy, as Gabriel Wortman was a successful dentist and swindler, and then that damn Coronavirus came along........yes the one that Trudeau let the Chinese PLA steal out of Winnipeg, infected the world in globalist chess, and it ruined Wortman's dentist business. I mean no one want to be coofed on by a plague carrier and Gabriel Wortman suffering from Coronavirus Distress Syndrome tried to gain some control in his life, and order of course meant putting on his Dudley Dooright costume, driving around in his Dudley Dooright car, and carrying his Dudley Dooright gun, and really showed his talent in life, as apparently he started fires in the houses of people who were mean to him, and then shot them down like dogs as they fled.
The start of this all was the ex wife. Yes, how could a woman cast aside an animal lover, a Mountie lover, a Canadian man's kind of man, and then down on his Coronavirus luck, with everything taken from him, suffering from temporary mental delusions, the Canadian Hero lit the ex's home up, which he probably paid for and then he lit her up.
That is one well thought out plan, better than Andres Brevick the hero of Norway.

So anyway, the RCMP shows up, the town is on fire, bodies piled up, and they do not send out an alert. They say it looks bad, and as there are only like 12 people in Nova Scotia, 10 of them are dead, and no one is driving around but Wortman, they can't find him.
Well they can't find him till the next day, as Wortman is adding to the body count. When the RCMP finds the Canadian Hero, the woman driver, crashes her government vehicle into Wortman's vehicle. That part is puzzling as one would think Mounties would have like Winchester rifles or something and just shot him, but instead the Mountie chic crashes her car, which disables it. Wortman gets out with guns blazing, and with 2 RCMP Mounties blazing at him, he kills the woman driver and wounds the other Mountie, and the Mounties never graze him.
Wortman then starts both vehicles on fire, and takes another vehicle, because how can it be stealing when the keys are in it.

So Wortman continues on aborting Canadians he meets on the road, as Justin Trudeau missed a few in the womb, and it all comes to a head at a Canadian gas station, where somehow the Mounties, in a gun fight, are said to have killed Wortman. I don't believe that for a second as this Canadian Hero was showing that the Mounties were not in the same league as him.

I think Wortman's problem was he left the bodies around. If he was Quebecois, they would have invited the padre over and ate the dead, as you simply do not leave meat go to waste. I mean they would have at least brought along their pet wolf, Lupe Garu, and he would have snacked on the tidbits. The Mounties would have showed up, and said, "Why Nell, it looks like 3 people were all playing with matches at the same time and burned their 3 homes down. How tragic."
No exclamation points in Canadian Mounties as .....well they are Mounties, they have to be half tard to get the job as only fags from birth wear those silly red jammies for uniforms.

Anyway, I am thinking about if their is anymore to this story besides Canadian dentist performs 22 abortions, burns down a bunch of houses to make room for nature, and defends himself when a crazy Mountie female driver tries to kill him with her government car, and Justin Trudeau does not want any of this story out.........because he does not want Wortman given publicity.

Sure that is the real reason Trudeau does not want this story out, not that Nova Scotia primates are idiots, not that Trudeau gave the Chicoms this virus and this virus has been destroying Canadian lives, like Gabriel Wortman, who was perfectly fine, until  Trudeau let this into Canada......but of course Wortman is the problem, not Black Face Trudeau and certainly not the Canadian majority, led by Chicoms and Muslims, who voted liberal Ottawa back into power as what passes for a Conservative in Canada is allot like a used condom in a fag movie  theater.

Poor Canadian Hero, Gabriel Wortman, murdered by his own people, his own country, and the Prime Minister is not allowing the people of Nova Scotia and Canada to mourn their Hero. Such a tragedy that no flower shrines of dead maple leaves in Ontario, no piles of snow in the Yukon and no piles of potatoes in Prince Edward Island will memorialize and enshrine the memory of Justin Trudeau's victim of Coronavirus attack.

his profitable business was impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, which forced all non-essential dental services to cease

Gabriel Wortman was just trying in his own Canadian way to save Canada, because Ottawa would not.
Let us not examine what is wrong with Justin Trudeau's Canada which created this situation. Let us instead be diverted by Trudeau in more gun control agenda as Winnipeg Coronavirus had nothing to do with setting this off.

Maybe Mountie Heidi Stevenson should have been arresting Black Face Trudeau, instead of protecting that criminal and none of this would have happened.

Nuff Said
