Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Helping you catch Coronavirus thee American way

I didn't know the plague was shipwrecked with us...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Bible comes to mind in this madness of the distraction of la protesta loca aka the insane protest, in people calling good evil and evil good.

We now have christians tempting God in trying to kill themselves by worshiping together in a pandemic, and the liberal judges who want America rid of Protestants, telling them to go kill themselves.
We even have Attorney General Barr threatening to prosecute Governors for protecting their citizens from themselves.

OK so in a pandemic for all human history, people who rule, and the people try to stop the spread of the plague. In Egypt, it was not like the Pharaoh ordered the Egyptains to go roll around in the Ganges. Yet in America, we have CIA funded protestors with the Mockingbird media joined, in trying to sell a story that people want to go out and catch the pandemic.

Barr threatens legal action against governors over lockdowns – HotAir   hotair

What a different world we have in Nancy Pelosi who loves aborticide is trying to keep idiots from committing post birth aborticides, while people on the right are trying to abort their listeners.

'Get out of your bubble': Dan Bongino slams Pelosi for dismissing lockdown protesters   washexam

I just shrug and try to remember that this is about spreading this pandemic in a controlled way while the government searches for new biological weapon viruses as this replacement virus for the shitty Chinaman virus is not killing enough people to overthrow the world.

What we have learned is this, is our mothers were wrong in telling us not to eat boogers. Out teachers were wrong for telling us to wash our hands after we wiped our butts and the Bubonic, Ebola and Spanish plagues were not something we should have avoided, but we should have rolled around in them and relished our small pox skin falling off.

Nuff Said
