Sunday, April 12, 2020

China infecting Mexicans to use as Biological Weapons against Americans

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to publish being corrected three times, and this will be the first.

In the case of the spread of Coronavirus in the United States by Mexican vermin, the focus has been upon Smithfield Hams, but the reality it is Jewish Cargill and other interests using Mexican slave labor which is endangering the further spread of this pandemic across America.

In my not taking the step to check on Smithfield Foods, this is what I was corrected on, as I had not conceived that the Chinese PLA owns Smithfield, and it has been using it to infect the United States from within, as it used the first waves of Chinese to infect Americans in Washington State.

This is a biological war with biological weapons, and the weapons are the dirty Chinese and the filthy Mexican.

The bombs which are going off in the United States are two legged and Mexican. They will be a scorched earth salvo on the hospitals and supplies. I will have more on this, but this information of Peking infecting Mexicans, and infecting Americans to shut down the nation further, and contaminating the food supply, is a most sinister and clever act of weapons of mass destruction.

This is the biggest story of this pandemic.

For the record, the Chinese PLA front's equal is JBS which is of Brazil, and it has been infecting all the areas which China has not in the United States. Two foreign nationals contaminating US food supply.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The 4th Most Dangerous Coronavirus Zone in America

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
