Saturday, April 25, 2020

Closed to the Coronavirus Coofer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have zero compassion for the Obama minder, George Noory, who betrayed the Art Bell audience, cheered Muslim revolution rapine by Obama, is turning Coast to Coast into a Nazi broadcast, and as of late has been obsessed with having millions of people die in driving them from their homes to catch Coronavirus in forcing them to labor.

That is why when this troll, has been going off the deep end, I consider it God's fitting reckoning, as Noory is constantly ranting at guests and callers about the flu and Coronavirus is nothing. It was though the other night which makes me wonder if Noory is about to go postal.
He is in lockdown in St. Louis Missouri and it is driving him mad. His days were spent curb crawling through St. Louis to get away from his home, and that drives him nuts.
He revealed that he was calling up St. Louis newspapers and accosting them, yes in the favorite obsession of Noory in, 'THE FLU IS WORSE THAN CORONAVIRUS", but that apparently did not accomplish anything, so he revealed Noory has entered his brooding period.

This is where it is starting to get unhealthy, as if wanting all of you dead is not unhealthy enough, for Noory visits his favorite restaurant. It must be really a fave as "camel on a kabob" was more of a Noory taste, in the eatery shut down, so Noory can not order camel to go.

No I said CAMEL TO GO not camel toe.


Although, I do believe if he could find a big fat black sweaty prostitute, Noory would have something to do as he does not believe in anything Coast to Coast guests or callers say, as he deems it all entertainment. Instead Noory goes to the empty Camel Kabob, and just sits on the empty patio, for hours at a time.

In 1987, Noory and his partners in Norcom Restaurants, Inc. opened the Café Marrakesh and Oasis Bar in Brentwood, Missouri. The restaurant's theme revolved around a fictional English soldier, Col. William Berry, who opened the establishment following an exciting secret mission to Marrakesh.

Yes Noory is even more strange in real life than his guests he thinks are kooks.

As he has hidden what he is, except mentioning children, apparently the wife died or fled for her life, either way, she fled for her life, and Noory just hangs around with the fag producer of Coast to Coast, but apparently the queer does not man friend with Noory on dates, as he sits for hours on the vacant patio of a restaurant.

As Noory is obsessed with others dying at work, to protect his 30 pieces of silver, I wonder about the forensic psychology of someone fixated on your death at all costs, is uncomfortable in his own skin, and then sits alone for hours on the patio of a restaurant, which provides zero peace apparently by his nightly rants.

Premiere Networks is Mockingbird in removing Art Bell and replacing him with a Nazi like Noory, and when I say Nazi, it is Obamanazi, the leftist draconianism of the global order. Noory's "feeling" is always telling him something he is sure Hillary as President in 2016, brokered conventions and now that Joe Biden will be President.

Premier Networks and more to the point IHeart media, really need to monitor George Noory, and have his psyche checked out. The nut is 70 years old, and is prowling around the streets of St. Louis, sits alone, and is a billboard for someone the Secret Service should be watching. To the point, Premier really needs to place John B. Wells at the helm of Coast to Coast and flush the cast of bizarre leftists who are guest hosts from Ian Punnett who rails against Americans and defends lying Chinese to the strange Lisa Garr who was exuding vaginal fluids about Coronavirus being good for nature as people were being removed.
Then again, Bain Capital of Mitt Romney fame is the holding company of it all, so you kind of get the reality of how nuts Romney is, is how nuts George Noory acts.

I figure Noory is about one lockdown away from going postal in St. Louis. His guests try to reason with him about the dangers of wide open America, that it has to be done safely, but Noory is like a parrot in reciting his mantras of people will die anyway and the flu is worse.

It is an odd thing in the entertainment value of Coast to Coast is no longer the show, but instead is listening to these anal mics cracking up nightly in some new bizarre rant or action which would have the Secret Service placing them onto lists.

Nuff Said
