Saturday, April 25, 2020

We held these lies to be self evident...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading an article about "Right Wing" threats inside and outside the United States, and the headline make me puzzle as much as this is Donald Trump's administration, and more to the point this is Homeland Security producing policy, as much as the FBI, which is placing "White Nationalists" and "Neo Nazis" on the same lists as Muslim ISIS.

News by VICE

The FBI Just Put White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis on the Same Threat Level as ISIS

“Not only is the terror threat diverse, it’s unrelenting," said FBI chief Chris Wray.

by Tess Owen

The reason the Lame Cherry is puzzled at this is, all of this is lumped together as "right wing terror". The Homeland site has a 41 page PDF to read, which I did review, and noted at the beginning of the document, that it appeared to show Ground Zero, or a terror event produced by Zbigniew Brzezinski of the liberal Carter administration in creating Militant Islam, which upon review, is led by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is allied with the National Socialists or Nazis, who are a left wing group in Germany.
The fact is from the Baathists in Syria, Iraq to Iran, these are all socialists or left wing groups. A Neo Nazi is left wing, as is ISIS, as is al Qaeda, and again, The Base which is supposed to be White Nationalist, but has never engaged in anything but spray painting a Jewish building, is like The Base of al Qaeda.

As you perhaps notice, there are not any right wing people involved in any of this and there never has been. The fact is, it was Jewish media, which was Socialist and Nazi, were at odds with the American and European Right, so in order to progress their order after slaughtering 11 million Germans, was to smear the Nazis as "right wing", which would taint all armed people who like Ronald Reagan adhered to Responsible Liberty.

Many of the priorities listed in the 41-page document align with what extremism and counterterrorism experts have suggested during various recent hearings on domestic terrorism before congress.

I found this website, which requires one to pay to read it, so I did not pay, but I did copy their list of "right wing extremists", and on it you will find groups in America which have more FBI agents in them than members. The "right wing" in the Mideast is all leftists, who number socialists. These right wingers are all left wingers.

Table of Contents

    Right-Wing Conservatism: Origin and Development
    Right-Wing Conservatism in West - Europe
        Great Britain
    Right-Wing Conservatism in the US
        The Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
        The Neo-Nazis
        The Army of God
        Phineas Priesthood
    Right-wing conservatism in the Muslim World
        Characteristics of Right-wing Islamic Conservatism
        Objectives of the Islamic Conservatives
        Reasons for the Rise of Right-wing Conservatism in the Muslim World
            Typology of Islamic Right Wing Conservatism
        Middle East
        al-Banna, Qutb, and The Muslim Brotherhood
        South Asia
            Expansion of Islam
            The Ulema in Indian Society
            Wahabi and Deobandi Movements
    Right-wing Conservative Islamism and al Qaeda
        Pan-Islamism, Anti- Americanism and Jihad
        Osama bin Laden’s Message (October 7, 2001)
        Fatwas of Ibn Taymiyyah, Hasan al-Banna, Maulana Maududi, and Syed Qutb

The boogerman of Andres Breivik appears in the Homeland review also, but in researching Breivik, he was a nativist, or Euro centric, and a proponent of the Vatican, and the Vatican is not in the least right wing, as they produced in their Jesuits all the communist fronts Latin Liberation to Black Liberation, which Barack Obama was linked to.

The fact is, the Trump administration is being used as cover for the same crackdown by the same deep state group who has been smearing Senator Joe McCarthy and President Ronald Reagan for years, and creating propaganda which is blaming Americans for the crimes of leftists, and making a crime out of loving your nation and God.

That group which produced the Homeland dossier, have criminalized the Truth. In the same way Bill and Hillary Clinton were listing Evangelicals on terror watch lists, and people who carried the Constitution in their pocket, it is now a red flag for the police state if anyone states the factual reality that if a government imports more foreigners who are breeding more readily, than native White and Black populations, then the native populations of Protestants will cease to be, and be replaced by Jesuits, Hindu, Chinese and Muslims.
That is now a listed crime of hate for stating biological fact.

The more this goes on, the more insane it is. The more it is George Orwell insanity of 1984, Animal Farm and Big Brother. It is so illogical by design that a normal mind can not grasp it.  People are being listed as enemies of a state, for being White, Protestant and desiring to survive. The very things of the Constitution as a Right is now a crime.

This is the same group attempting to suppress populations by collecting a "carbon tax" and creating the fiction of global warming, and then switching to "climate change" as a threat, when it is the reality of the seasons ebb and flow.

Just as the extremist police state was safe in the hands of Vice President Dick Cheney who was targeted for removal in Plamegate by Patrick Fitzgerald, that same police state was overthrowing elections aimed at Donald John Trump. The minute that another political actor seizes the Oval Office will unleash this criminalization of Americans, and the police state will already have everyone listed for pick up, as that is what the Richmond Virginia gun rally was designed for, in the FBI creating an alternative list than the BATFE gun owners list.

This document is one which is the ultimate threat to all of this.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
