Thursday, April 30, 2020

President Trump was aware of the Bio Warfare origins of Coronavirus

7 yeas of med school and all I get is "Turn your head and Coof!"

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

In observing DARPA in blood serums, the CIA in human feces samples and the DIA being perplexed whose biological weapon this Coronavirus Wuhan is, there is a hidden fact in this, that the Presidential Gut, which had Donald Trump shut the domestic flights of China into the United States in January, suspected immediately afterwards that Coronavirus Wuhan was a biological weapon, and began researching that issue.

The first confirmed Chinese Covid-19 case occurred on November 17, 2019; the first U.S. case on January 21, 2020, and on February 3, 2020, President Trump’s Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Kelvin K. Droegemeier, initiated a federal investigation into the alleged laboratory origin of the 2019 coronavirus.

The Indian Government which the President is very close to, published findings early that Coronavirus Wuhan had an HIV splice genome in the sequence. Due to intelligence agency pressures, the finding was removed and an apology issued, but the fact remained that HIV is in the Coronavirus.

January 31, 2020, Prashant Pradhan and eight experts in coronavirus gene-sequencing affiliated with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), the University of New Delhi, IBM, and New York University at Stonybrook, published an extraordinary paper. Using the most advanced computer programs for genetic analyses, they posted in urgency and public duty a ‘non-peer reviewed’ study entitled: ‘Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag [gene sequences].

This was confirmed 6 weeks late in the findingos Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of the HIV sequence. He stated absolutely that this Coronavirus Wuhan was a product of human engineering in a lab, removing all doubts. This virus need molecular tools to come to being and that process only takes place in a lab.

What is interesting is Montagnier floated the story, which is a cover story out of China from the PLA, that the Chinese were really working on a cure for AIDS to develop a vaccine. The idea that the Chinese PLA was working for an AIDS vaccine, using Bat SARS, is akin to telling the Japanese that the United States was just using nuclear bombs as parasite control in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This is not a challenge to Dr. Montagnier, but one does not make a Polio vaccine, by giving a patient a rabies based virus.

Indeed, on April 18, 2020, Luc Montagnier, one of the world’s leading virologists and Nobel Prize Winner (in 2008) for the co-discovery of HIV, the AIDS virus, declared that Covid-19 was a “manipulated” man-made virus arising from China’s genetic experiments to develop a vaccine for AIDS.
Montagnier carefully analyzed the description of the genome of Covid-19 and claimed there were indeed insertions of HIV into its genome. Doubting scientific dissenters claimed the insertions might have occurred with Covid infection from an AIDS patient. But Montagnier said: “No, In order to insert HIV sequences into this (Covid) genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can be only be done in a laboratory.”

As this Lame Cherry broke the story in matter anti matter exclusives, there were two strains introduced into the United States proper in the Chinese and Italian. That is two different biological weapon strains, and in fact there was an inoculate strain too, and now there are several more, as more developed strains have been released.
I post this, as proving this blog was right on the strains, months before anyone else suspected it.

Experts identify two strains of coronavirus in the U.S.

Former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb recently announced COVID-19 cases in California probably came from China before travel restrictions were put in place.
He added cases seen on the East Coast seem to have originated from Europe, especially Italy.


I touch on the dead microbiologists, as this has nothing to do with biological weapons per se, but was the same research group, employed by the globalist cartel in compartmentalized groups of research. What these biologists were building was the immortality machine, thee False Tree of Life, and were murdered to silence the success of the assembled product.

This is brought up here, as the same group using satanic insights, deemed alien technology, had created a raft of viruses which as I have stated are so far beyond what the United States has, as a nuclear bomb is to a spark of flint. That is what is confusing thee Americans, as they thought their work was the most advanced, and they are the C students in this, and the Chinese are the club footed retard in their original biological weapon.

Coronavirus Wuhan was a counterstrike to the Chinese first strike weapon, which was the story broken here first in Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives. This virus was to regain the progressive order of what the cartel was moving the world to in order. The cartel can not stop now, as the issue is in motion, and everyone knows this is a handiwork of satan, and retaliations would ensue. Coronavirus is a first step, and there will be other necessary steps now engaged in, to progress to the outcome. Coronavirus is Pandoras Box. The knowledge can not be put back into the box. The structure which would create counter measures, must be vanquished, and that means an additional series of even greater evens in other fields of advanced sciences.

Oh by the way, all those blood samples are going into a global archive, just as the DNA samples are in the most complete tracking of the human specie and mutations, meant for further use.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
