Thursday, April 30, 2020

The 1 and 5 Percenters of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I see that the tourists have shown up from ZeroHedge in posing this blog's exclusive in over 25 million American do not want to go back to their shitty jobs in being exploited, so George Noory can protect his portfolio on the coofing of poor Americans catching Coronavirus.

The Durdan Bros featured Michael Snyder who appears to have gained fame in hawking that there was going to be an economic crash. Wow I know, who would have seen that one coming. But, below is a photo of what a Michael Snyder looks like, and he looks like Nathan Lanes creepy little brother and you know that has to be creepy in the sodomite perv Lane is.

Anyway in the genius of covering the work others have accomplished before Michael Snyder had some comments which the Durdan Bros apparently highlighted, and in them the Lame Cherry has some choice comments on another subject which will be proffered until the time line this blog is lining up brings it to pass.

Authored by Michael Snyder via,
More than 26 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits in recent weeks, and a lot of them will now be bringing home much more money than they did while they were actually working.

To some of my readers, it may sound “heartless” to want to deny unemployed workers these big checks during a global pandemic, but businesses all over America are not going to be able to “return to normal” if millions upon millions of workers simply do not want to work.

Are you starting to understand how serious this is?
Without workers, we don’t have an economy, and right now we are incentivizing people not to work.

So don’t expect the unemployment rate to bounce back very much once this pandemic begins to subside.  Congress has decided to make it very financially rewarding not to work, and millions upon millions of Americans are going to be more than happy to take advantage of that opportunity for as long as it lasts.

It was the part which the Durdan Bros had not highlighted which was the important part in Michael Snyder's diatribe against American workers, and it was this gem, which sums up the George Noory Schism.

Without workers, we don’t have an economy,

 For those ignorant of a what an economy is:

The system of production and distribution and consumption

An apple tree produces fruit, it distributes it as it falls to the ground, and you eat it. That is an economy, and that is something I have zero interest in, because what this Christian Conservative is interested in, are the Carnivores and Cannibals of the Money Cancers, who are amoral in stating things like, "Only old people die from Corona, so it does not matter".
"The flu is worse than Corona, so we have to get people back to work".
"Force people back to working in horrid jobs which are killing them as the economy matters".

The Lame Cherry is not communist, not socialist, not bleeding heart, not left wing. It is though human, and when I hear how crass people are and absolutely satanic in spewing absolutely no caring about the poor as Christ ordered Christians to, it stuns even the cold hearted, hard ass that, here am I.

What is most bothersome about this is, is that the Durdan Bros nor this Snyder have any interest in producing a Ronald Reagan economy so people have jobs they are not exploited in, pitted against foreign slaves, and know their American Dream is dead by this debt inflation holding them hostage, until they day they get sick or hurt, and they lose what little they have, and the only way out is death.

That really infuriates me, as this poor orphan girl is one of those masses, who has done everything right from taking care of their parents till they died, not cheating anyone, not being a burden to society, and every step of the way, I have been stolen from or hindered by people who do not give a damn about anyone but their own pompous asses.

After reading what Michael Snyder had reposted on ZeroHedge,  I have a policy to share again.

Without workers, we don’t have an economy,

Do you know what else an economy does not need? It does not need those 1% and 5%, who have centralized all the wealth, by inflating costs, producing massive debt, which have robbed the poor with cheap money, while pitting them against Chinese economies which are subsidized by the communist party, so Americans can not compete, as their own regime imports foreign cheap labor, gives them American jobs, and produces thee American Genocide.

So while I am not like the CIA operative in being sexy Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, I have the Lame Cherry correct version of Biblical Jubilee, where Protestant Christians by law seize 99% of the 1%'s wealth and distribute it to Americans. The 5% have 90% of their stolen wealth seized and distributed to the People, and the People who get their money back are the mass who are paid under 50,000 dollars a year.

The Lame Cherry has a few more choice seizures in all foreign ownership of American companies, is seized, and those businesses are nationalized in the stocks go to Americans, who can have their own portfolios.
The Federal Reserve is seized, and it becomes the National Bank with branch reserves, and Americans are charged nothing for their money.

So all those trillions of dollars come back to Americans who had everything stolen from them. In addition, this national know the names on the Federal Reserve Bank owners, it is dumped on them, as this is their debt and they can go to hell with it.

The President speaks about liberating States from Democrats. It is time the States are liberated in their People from the slave plantation of debt that Americans have been cheated out of all that is theirs.

The United States economy does not need the 1% of the 5%. The fact is that Barack Obama does not produce anything,  does not work and only consumes, then what is good for the Obama is good for the poor American, who was bribed off with 1200 dollars, when each American should be having million dollar checks posted to their accounts, as 100 trillion dollars is a big wad of cash.

If working with Coronavirus is so great, then let the Durdan Bros go wipe asses in a geezer home, let Michael Snyder go clean shit stalls in the grocery store crapper and let George Noory gut hogs in Sioux Falls South Dakota, as we are told you can't have an economy without workers, so let Americans call out their military and police force, and by the point of gun get these 1 and 5 percenters doing the jobs which need doing. Jeb Bush said in 2015 that American don't work hard enough at 40 hours a week, so let's put the Bush kind to work at 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, as what is good for the poor, is good for the Bush fam.

Let us provide the same remedy for those endangering your lives for nothing in wages, for them, and let us see if their Scrooge hearts have any flesh in them before they drop over dead from Coronavirus in eating Mexican shit snacks.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
