Monday, April 20, 2020

The 2020 Coronavirus Liberation looking back on 1776

I'm changing my name to Bill Cunny as I am such a portfolio pussy!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening to Bill Cunningham of WLW Ohio, rant as he always does, and I want to say that for never meeting the guy, I like him for his values. I probably would like portfolio pimp Bill Mitchell if that dead beat would donate too. Not like he has to take care of his mum anymore.

What Coronavirus has taught me is the Mockingbird has paid a great deal of money to people on the right and left who are just ignorant. I always knew Rush Limbaugh was a half wit. He hides behind a mic as he couldn't debate a retard and his program content was plagiarized for years, and why he owes me 13 million dollars plus penalties, and I am not letting up just because he is a Nancy and gave up on cancer treatments as his penis hurt.

It was Bill Cunningham, not to be confused with Billy Cunningham, the NBA great who later coached the Philadelphia 76ers to glory under the great Moses Malone, who was ranting again about getting Americans to work, shovig them out to get Coronavirus and get that economy moving as that is all Bill Cunningham, the great American, cares about is he gets dick validation by this debt inflated American economy.

This blog is going to set the record straight about all these Americans who are on unemployment and if follows.

Why do you think like 25 million Americans went on unemployment immediately? Are you a dupe i thinking they got fired or laid off in one day? Hell no they didn't, and I will tell you what really happened as Americans are working and thee economy is functioning at the level of what is viable in normal spending habits and not debt spending which is what America was.

All of these people who went on immediate unemployment had shitty jobs. This was cause by Bill Cunnigham's stock market in the importation of 100 million of these Visa vermin, who allowed corporate to cut wages and force Americans into shit jobs.
Yes these people have SHIT JOBS. One example is Nancy, who did pretty good in she got her knee replaced, says things like "all democrats should be shot", was on workers comp, and now is taking unemployment. She was working 3 jobs, lost one, and now is getting free money, in about the same amount as she was earning, and 1200 bucks from Donald Trump, does not have to place herself in work danger, get killed in a car crash, and can stay home and drink wine on her lawn, as what she informed me she was doing.

The United States has 25 million Nancy's, who had shit jobs, and for the first time they are getting something, not the goddamn Mexicans, not goddamn corporate, not goddamn politicians and not goddamn Bill Cunningham in his high pay job, made off the suffering of Americans.

So you get this fully, Americans are not facing Coronavirus death. They are being paid to behave. Unlike Jeb Bush telling them they have to work 80 hours a week, Americans are getting the first vacation in their lives and they really like this Coronavirus. If Donald Trump would pay them 2000 a month, no taxes on it, these people would think they had died and gone to Corona Heaven.

There is absolutely no incentive for Americans to go face death, face goddamn Mexicans, goddamn shitty employers and get fucked over in shit wages, for them to return to that slave farm. So Bill Cunningham not figuring this out, just reveals how ignorant and closed his world is.
I have yet to see any of these assholes, volunteer like Rand Paul did, to go shovel shit out of Granny's diapers at the Corona nursing home. Odd how all these types stay the hell away from the virus they expect all of these people with shitty jobs are being shoved into danger to suffer the same things they were suffering before.

It gets worse as Bill Cunningham likes quoting statistics, but he is as asstard as Rush Limbaugh in UMM Dakota or Mark Levin, not knowing that Minnesota was east of Fargo ND, and Minnesotans living by Fargo would show up as calling from there, as that is where the cell phone is based.

As we are in the UMM Dakotas, we return to that great American, Bill Cunningham, who was spewing data of no one is dying from Coronavirus. He bleated out South Dakota only has 7 deaths per million.  One of those was not an American but a goddamn plague spreading Mexican, but that is beside the point as the point is SOUTH DAKOTA DOES NOT HAVE A MILLION PEOPLE. So the stats are head up the ass. SD has something like 900,000 cowchippers, so you can not make the analysis that Cunningham has, just like he has in all of these other low population states.
The reason South Dakota has low numbers is South Dakotans are WHITE PEOPLE, who have sense, and after the first few died, they all went to ground. Except for plague Sioux Falls which is Mexican pandemic BECAUSE IT STAYED OPEN BRINGING IN DISEASED MEXICANS, South Dakota was open, because the people have the sense of White People. They are not like coon basketball players kissing camera at the NBA to mock Trump. Sure there were a few Darwins as all populations do, but South Dakota shut down, social distanced, and that is why the numbers were low.
In Ohio, the Governor had to threaten the assholes there to stay home, and that worked too, but Bill Cunningham rants about shit he is easily exposed in not having a clue to which end he is scratching.

So the moral of this story is for Bill Cunningham and Bill Mitchell is, if you start forcing these smart Americans on unemployment to endanger themselves, I would bet these smart Americans are going to start being like Bonnie and Clyde in another depression, and this time start hunting up these rich people who keep trying to get them killed.

These Americans are tired of getting economically raped. Thy are not going to put up with being coofed on for Cunningham's portfolios, and if these types force people back to the open, and they get sick or their kids die, I guarantee some lawyer is going to be suing these rich people's deep pockets and when a trial comes, all the other people too stupid to not get off a jury are going to even the score and make all these "open America up" trolls by taking all they have.

Americans are not going to stand for being forced from their homes. Americans are not going to stand for Corona tests so they can have a Corona card telling them they can go buy toilet paper to  take a shit. Americans are not going to risk their lives over shitty jobs. Coronavirus has liberated them, and this is the revolution of 2020 looking back in hindsight to 1776 and Bill Cunningham and his type are the Red Coats of England making war on the American inhabitant.

Coronavirus is accomplishing everything Donald Trump could not get done in MAGA. It has refunded tax money so people are not paying taxes. It is getting rid of the Mexicans. It shut the border to foreigners. Coronavirus is the best blessed thing to happen to Americans since Senator Benton was handing out free land in America to homesteaders.

Bill Cunningham and his half wits had better get on the right side of this issue, or they are going to be 3rd party left alone as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated the elites were engineering, and it is all coming to pass.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
