Monday, April 20, 2020

The Rich Lose More Money on Oil and You Make More Money on OIl

If Coronavirus don't get me, JR's low oil prices will!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Oil Crashes Below ZERO And Stocks Slide As
The Government Keeps America In Bondage

I was reading people fret over oil trading at below zero dollars, but if you listened to the President as the leader of OPEC PLUS, the reality is America will top off her reserves on cheap oil and the President hopes that nations pay America to take the oil to store it.

What took place is simple. The short term traders, shorted today and drove oil low, as there is a glut. The futures markets are trading at 28 dollars. This is only good for Americans, as it means that energy prices are going to remain low over the summer and into the fall, that means election season.

Do not get wound up over this stuff, as the President is on top of it, and if you noticed China spent all her money hording rice so others starve and they have no resources to stock up on oil at these rates which hurts them immensely.......just as it hurts their Iranian terror allies, and leaves Russia with the empty purse too.

Nuff Said
