Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The China Writing On The Wall

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog will repeat the fact so that it sinks in. China was creating a first strike biological weapon to genocide the United States, in order for Chinese immigrant agents to open a front into the United States using US weapons against Americans, and finish off the United States with a final PLA invasion.

Instead of Coronavirus alone, Americans would be fighting a war with the Chinese military, in North America.

China has not ceased it's aggressions because of Coronavirus, but is exploiting it further.

Los Angeles T

 China needs South China domination now, as there is oil there as China needs oil, as it does not have enough to sustain itself. It will soon no longer be able to afford the OPEC PLUS American led oil front, meaning China can not survive in civilian or military realities.

U.S., Saudi Arabia, Russia Lead Pact for Record Cuts in Oil Output

China already has become a pariah state. It lied about the pandemic, covered it up, and then spread that pandemic deliberately into the United States and Europe. There are numerous videos online as evidence of Chinese spreading the virus, by wiping snot on public objects.

China has cost the United States 6 trillion dollars in spending and the world in the 20's of trillions of dollars in fallen stock prices.

The world is in a global depression because of communist China.

Fauci says U.S. was given wrong information about virus "right from the beginning"

As this grows, rice and wheat prices are surging. China needs rice as it can not produce enough to feed itself. With Coronavirus, food supplies will be lessened as will exports. China is facing a reality of not enough gas and not enough food, and the world not caring for the Coronavirus Wuhan pandemic China unleashed.

China is bleeding out in Japan, Korea and the United States are pulling out their manufacturing. Finance is dried up. China is stagnant from this moment on in industry and innovation.

Japan Paying $2 Billion for its Manufacturers to Leave China   newam

In the United States, there has been growing demand to take manufacturing out of China in light of deficiencies in America’s medical supply chain.
“One of the things that this crisis has taught us, sir, is that we are dangerously overdependent on a global supply chain,” said Trump economic adviser Pete Navarro during a White House press briefing. “Never again should we rely on the rest of the world for our essential medicines and countermeasures.”
Britain’s Brexit Party leader, Nigel Farage, has argued that Chinese interests seek to use the coronavirus to gain control of large segments of the UK economy. Just last month, Chinese Jingye Group bought out British Steel.
Navarro summed it up: “What we're learning from that is that no matter how many treaties you have, no matter how many alliances, no matter how many phone calls, when push comes to shove you run the risk, as a nation, of not having what you need.”

 The reality in this is precise. Anglo American Japanese finance will no longer fund China. China is aging, it has a growing Coronavirus invalid population as it uses it's people up. More nations are demanding China will pay for this pandemic it caused.

Added up, this is Japan in the days before World War II. China will have to move out to annex resources by force, and when it does, the entire world will move to the defeat of China, and that should include Russia.

There is a great Eurasian War coming and China is the black hole which is sucking the world in.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
