Tuesday, April 21, 2020

All that is Corona is not Africa and Asia

So I'm a jew and I pedal plagues for profit.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Chinese WHO has been attacking the United States over cutting funding of that corrupt body which Peking used to spread this virus into Europe and the United States. The problem is in this, the shortsighted reality of these WHO communist elites as after China lied more people died on the China side.

A WHO public health expert has warned that if the coronavirus is allowed to “march through” Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian sub-continent unarrested, the rest of the world risks being hit by repeated bouts of Covid-19.
Professor Lawrence Gostin, director of the World Health Organization’s Center on Public Health and Human Rights, told BBC Radio 4’s Today program on Wednesday that we are “only as safe as the weakest link in the global chain” on tackling coronavirus.
If you’ve got Covid rages in other parts of the world, in this interconnected society we live in, it will come back to Europe and the United States.
Gostin added that the disease could come back in a “second, third or even fourth wave” if the problem is not tackled globally.

As I type this, China is in a lockdown on the Russian Border, where Chinese squatters are flowing back into China, after sojourning in Russia. China exported the virus from China into Russia, and now Chinese are spreading the virus they contracted in Russia, back into China.

China has been lying about Coronavirus. China as I type this insists on the ridiculous numbers of 82,000 infected and 3300 dead, and no new cases for weeks. The United States has 650,000 cases and 29,000 dead and around 2000 dead on this day. France has 147,000 infected and 17,000 dead.

France has a population of 67 million. America around 320 million.

If you take those real numbers, France has 1.7 deaths per 6700 people. America has 2.9 deaths per 34,000 people or 1.5 deaths per 17,000 people.
France is harder hit than the United States, due to genetics as China was. The point is, China has 1.4 billion people.
In rendering Chinese population down to American and French levels, China has had 1.119,000 French or 1.050,00 American statistical deaths in their population based on comparative data. It is a fact that China has had over 1 million dead and almost 10 million infected so far.
The Chicom can not run from statistical data.

What this is about though is China, as the WHO covers for them. China is still infecting and re infecting. This is not about India alone, nor Africa in spreading this biological weapon. This is about a wave which will flow out of Russia and the worst wave the world will see in the West in the Mexican Latin wave of the squatters of America, and the aboriginals of Latin and South America.
There will be waves which appear in this and they will be devastating to these filthy 3rd world hordes as piles of them will die, be left unburied and produce other plagues, along with a Greenpeace hybrid predator lion, jaguar and wolf, which will grow large and strong eating all the human carrion, as pandemics breed from the dead as in cholera and whatever else the fly has lit upon and carried to the taco, couscous, millet or rice of the table.

This is where the huge cropping will occur, and it will affect White civilization.  WHO is always concerned about it's ethnic pets, but no one cares about the South American or Mexican as they are not stats which matter as they are the United States problem and leftist communists had hoped this pandemic would have ended America.

Just keep in mind that the United States has coming waves. The problem will be the invaders legalized of the Muslim, Hindu and Jesuit cults. They will bankrupt the United States worse than a war in dealing with this problem as the people of South Dakota are learning from their Sioux Falls pandemic which is hotter than New York City.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

