Monday, April 20, 2020

The Corona Punch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As my head hurts from HAARP severe cold, you bother with the links.

I have been most interested in MIT looking at human shit for clues in Coronavirus numbers, and the Army bio weapons expert is talking about looking at blood serums to see who the people were that had the virus and did not exhibit any symptoms.

Whenever the spooks are looking for something.......they do not have it, and they did not manufacture it.

Coronavirus was not a United States Government proper release in China. Wherever this came from in US stores and was handed over the globalists in Europe, this is a whole new vintage of virus that the CIA and DIA do not recognize.

The Chicoms had no idea this was not their virus that Obama had funded like a Birther for five years. Yes, America paid for the Harvard research and the Wuhan biological arsenal, and steered the Chinese to build this very virus, because the cartel in Europe had been plotting this for sometime as they knew Peking would adhere to a non nuclear policy. See Peking understood that Moscow would be the nuclear target, so those slant eyes, were making biological weapons, and hoping they could steal the nano technology to kill the West with MECHANICAL VIRUSES.
Biologicals are sneaky, and hard to prove, and as the above virus fooled China, thee Americans are still puzzling about this sequence which is a mystery of splicing and hidden genius.

The Mirror Coronavirus Wuhan is fascinating, not in the virus, but the geniuses behind it who make Chinese look like pin heads in stupidity.They made this virus identical or had the Chinese build identicals, but the Mirror is far superior and complex. As we are grubbing around in the worms in the lawn, the people who spliced this virus together knew it was top heavy........meaning it was so deadly that there would not be a cure, but they made it so complex that anything could remedy it. It is a virus with 3 stomachs, and if you take one away, the whole organism dies.

This virus was built on the bioweapon SARS, Arabian SARS, a most horrid lung infection. Into this, they overlaid Bat SARS for lack of immunity. In order to give it spread, they spliced in tuberculosis, and to make it really the smoking gun, the spliced in American bioweapon HIV to shut off the immune system and then trigger it to eat the lungs, heart, brains, whatever out of the infected.

The beauty of this virus is, that the Coronavirus Wuhan of Peking was to be spread in water. The Mirror of this virus is spread in human shit like HIV. Start it out with a shit drink, and the shit spreads as people are filthy in not washing their hands. The compliment to this is the remedy as there will not be a vaccine for Coronavirus Wuhan, as it takes a chimera virus of lesser degree to produce an immune response to guard against the Mirror.

What is fascinating is there was a winter cold flu which was released in the United States to provide immunity to this Wuhan of China, but it does not produce immunity to Mirror. So the spreader strain was introduced into America, and some helpful agents hosed us down a few times, as I know I contracted as did my cats, the spreader immunity and then something that was the chest compressor, and another one which I have not investigated. I think the last is the turn off switch.

I know I have been building antibodies to the American strain from November as I relapsed a few times and it is not as severe. The opening greeting is the snot behind your flipper and the wave goodbye is about 3 days of "wet lung" which feels like you ran too far in phy ed.

That must be like 4 strains I have survived. As I type this, I know there was a Persian strain, Italian strain, Spanish strain, a Negroid strain, and it looks like the Mexicans have their own castration strain. All of these strains are genus specific and there seem to be some specific qualities in some of the strains not found in other strains. They all like giving you the shits it seems, and in most cases, you do not even know you are sick when you get the shits, as you are over it before you get the Corona. By that I explain, it seemed to me that the shits come days early, then a type of feeling cold, then out of nowhere the rest of the stuff starts in the throat, moves to the head, big headaches, then to the bronchial, fever, then the heavy lungs, heart pumping wildly, and the sore eyes about the time the headaches come, but not the spikes in the head, head pains.
The last go round I had, had my lungs sore not in my injured spots, but in the back one day and on the other side the next.

See I told you that the Chinese were not smart enough to build something like this, and this has the CIA and DIA stumped, as they want this thing and the versions of it as this is beyond their high school sports.

I do not believe you can build your immune system to not get this as it gets into you like Lyme and it waits around until you are worn down and it hits you. Without the cut off, the Chinese strain keeps coming back. The Chinese L strain is spread by shit. I think the Italian is too. The Mexican is more easily spread by close contact. The S strain is body fluids on surfaces.
The puzzle as I stated is, the American strain is the immunity for the Peking original biological weapon. The Mirror is a killer and it keeps coming back. The S strain is the immunizing universal. That one has a 15% kill and critical rate. People have it and die without knowing they have it. The Mexican strain is still ironing out, but based on the Persian strain, as there is a Saudi strain now too, as much as a Jew strain.......and that Jew strain is one not apple of God's Eye strain. those strains are quite deadly, and do not seem to have an immunization strain as the Jews know what is really going on and are running scared with their chimera vampire experiments, and nothing shut down Italy, Spain or Iran. Hence touche for the Latin peoples in Europe and Latin America.

This is pretty good writing for someone sucking on advil like candy in explaining all of this. What is the quality of mercy though is those who built these viruses, already knew their capabilities and limitations in testing. There are not any surprises in this and that is what is magnificent about it all as these are designer weapons of an advanced degree. This is not the ham fisted blunt objects the world had thought were designed biological agents.
Oh I believe there is a Japanese and Russian strain too, and I think there were outlier strains re introduced into China as they have lots of cadavers to make.

As they have proven they can make viruses like this. They have the ability to crash economies, do miracles and produce wars which people think are their ideas. The world is playing catch up, and it will not catch up, to these superior beings.


Shhh don't tell people I was right and do not mention that iron thing in Coronavirus.

Coronavirus will wear away the foundations,  like a rope a dope in boxing, and then the haymakers will fall easily from other vantage points.

I do hope you learned something, like how to donate.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
