Monday, April 20, 2020

A Panic is easier to spread than a Pandemic

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think on this post I am not going to concern myself with proof. Proof has gotten me no more donations then when the refrain went up, "Where are the links to prove what you are saying!"

So I provide the links, and they shut up, and where are the donations as they continue to read.

This post is about, it is not so easy to spread a pandemic in the United States.

See none of your minds have gone beyond the two "accidental" releases of Corona in China which was producing the original as a biological weapon. Do you think the cover story of an exotic food market  which Rush Limbaugh believed was the source, could infect an entire nation or an entire city of Wuhan and then infect an entire nation?

There were agents spreading this deliberately in China, simply because you do not start something like this and fail at it, as the Peking girls come hunting for you, and their torture is not pleasant.

Now that your wee brains are thinking like wee minds think, the reality is, it was not so easy for the orginators of this pandemic, the PLA and the corporates to spread this pandemic in the United States to make it stick.

Obama folk at State brought in hundreds of infected people.........that was shut down.

The PLA in Washington state sent in infected Chinese to gauge the spread and......not even 50 geezers died, and they infected multiple locatoins, even to Kansas, and it still did not kill those Occidentals.

Hell they tried to get this burning in simply would not start there. The only locations it worked was in New York and Chinatown California, and that was with hundreds of thousands of foreigners flying into the United States......still it took from January 26th to March 24th before this pandemic really got rolling.
As an infection success rate, that really sucks, and that sucks as you had shitty snot nosed college kids deliberately told by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and George Noory that this only killed geezers and the flu was worse, going on to spring break and even the shedders did not infect that many people.

Coronavirus has loves. It loves Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama voters, as that is where the infection centers, in the packed like rats, foreign trash being exploited by the JAB, the Jewish and American Bankers. Elmhurst New York is one rabid infection zone, and what is there but nothing but packed like sardine Chinese and Latinos.

Ohio which had rednecks, coons and haji, shut things down early and it has held. See Corona likes flithy, dirty people, and picks off unfortuantes who happen to eat a shit ball on a rail, left by one of these flithy, dirty trash.

The proof is Americans, in the first thing they bought was ass wipe. It was not guns. Americans bought ass wipe, instead of food. Americans bought ass wipe while I watched Goddamn beaners loading up their carts with laundry soap, trying to wash their shit stink away, as they know Corona loves the scent of shit on humans.

Do I need to repeat that an epidemic is very hard to start?

This one really had to be nurtured to get it past Obama's killing people with Mexican flu. I think that Birther cropped 10,000 Americans and never blinked as they were not his kind. With Corona, it took the Obama appointees at the CDC sabotaging test kits, the WHO lying, and departments peppering in the foreign plague carriers to get this going in America. It took 2 months, wave after wave from China, Korea, Iran, Italy and Spain, for this to finally begin to appear as a plague and not a warning.
Nature is much better at this, as it infects millions each year without trying, and being seasonal, but the Corona Carriers, had to work like hell to start this one.

Have you gotten the point that this biological weapon release in China had multiple thoughts in what it was intednded to do, and it took more than a haji and a chinaman to start this in Italy. This takes spreaders and Teluride Colorado was a hot spot which spread from Chinese samples.

This blog warned early that terrorists would use Corona to spread it. It never really was the thought that it was hired experts who were on a mission from 3 different groups who would engage in this terorism.

There is a new world order coming, and it is not China which will be a part of it. China is dying. The United States is preparing when China makes her move to attack from the monetary ashes of America, but the United States is not going to lead this new world order either as the United States is being replaced.

What survives in this, will be more repressed, more in poverty, more alienated by concentrated power, and moved closer to the last global war.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
