Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Coronavirus Narrative Shit

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this on April  17th, I have been watching for 2 days a real brawl on an online thread over Coronavirus, between the narratives which Rush Limbaugh and George Noory sowed in this is nothing and people have to get out, and those who see thousand of people dead and suffering and noting this is a real threat to humanity.

The narrative is shifted now from the reality that this is a biological weapon, to a bat shit contamination, to the President stating this was an accidental release, all of which have effectively covered up what this blog first posted in this was a counterstrike by European interests, using a deep state American set of viruses against a Chinese first strike in the United States.

The narrative for simple minds has Coronavirus as one virus and not that bad. The reality is Coronavirus is 8 strains, 40 mutations, and if you are Italian, Persian, Chinese, Mexican or Black, and have received the L strain in these strains, you will die. or suffer permanent damage to organs.

One can see the footprint of the CIA Mockingbird in this, in counter narratives of Mockingbird and conspiracy theories. The President has embarked upon a national policy of bleeding China dry in reparations to cover up this was a biological first strike weapon, which should receive nuclear salvos.
I doubt 1000 percent that China will ever be extorted. It is why China is building miniature nuclear weapons, and is creating new strains of contagions to kill America with.
By what the Pentagon has stated, it appears they want the US to strangle off China, make it come out in an Island Strategy, and then fight a war with China in a few years. Again, i do not believe the world has a few years in these time lines and China fully realizes they are in jeopardy as they sent out infected Chinese agents to infect the United States to try and countermeasure the Mirror Wuhan virus release.

I firmly believe that the lethal strains are orally ingested in humans. They are spread by human shit. It is why they early kept telling people to wash their hands. Masks were of no use then, but now have use in certain strains of this virus, again depending on what kind of humanoid you are.
That is the beauty of this  virus, as I do believe that if a Mexican caught a Black strain, that the Mexican would seem to have a cold, but continue to spread it to the Negroid. In other words, I do not think these strains are lethal outside their genus. The Italian strain is what the lions and tigers of the New York zoo caught. It did not kill them, because they were not Italians.

Are you taking notes on this? If there are not disruptions in information due to more serious events, one day you are going to read the above as some wonderful finding, which was allowed to finally reach the public. For now it is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I also have a feeling that this virus, if it is in snot, it does not produce a lethal effect in most cases, but if you get it from shit rubbed on things, it goes cholera and is always deadly. That is why this virus is so puzzling as a designer virus. It has different target strains, and it has different effects.

From what took place in Sioux Falls South Dakota in 1 Mexican set off a pandemic, I believe that this is a highly transmutable strain, but I believe it was also the first mass transmission by human sperm to females, infecting them in the womb.

This thinking virus is about to have a thought that American Indians are about ready for their shit strain.
Japan, Sweden and Saudi Arabia have begun their climb as late bloomers. For those who touted South Korea as the answer to opening up America, South Korea had 22 new cases and 1 new death. Even with the most draconian measures, this virus is being introduced, and I do mean introduced.

Mexico is beginning to join the predicted wave, 435 new cases in one day. All of that is floating around in the United States and the hot zones will keep appearing.

I hope your are listening to what you have read in the above as it does matter. Once this thinking virus has extracted all it can, it will have to cover it's tracks, with more distracting events. That is logical and a pattern.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

