Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronageddon: How the world Starves

 As composed on April 18th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog has warned, after the years which Barack Hussein Obama weaponized HAARP against American  Republican states, first by "wilding rivers" with record snowfalls, and then by creating two years of epic crop disasters in America from flood and early winters, leaving crops in the fields to rot, what was deemed Farmageddon last year, that the 19 billion dollar bailout of American corporate farming is not going to solve the problem of Coronageddon, in a world of shorted food supplies.

The point is, what Americans did to toilet paper hording, China has unleashed with other importers the hording of food.

Food literally is running out.

The United States Global Agribusiness owned by Archer Daniels, George Soros and Jewish Cargill, has pushed America from family farms to corporate millionaire agriculture. The result is that the United States began producing epic quantities of soybeans, an absolutely worthless crop as the oils are inferior to corn, sunflower and rape seed, and as a food product the Chinese were the only ones purchasing this grain for hog feed. As the pandemic is in full control of the world, the Americans having no markets have been setting record crushing months to get rid of soybeans, as Brazilian production soars in competition.
The only purpose of this product is feeding it to confinement hogs where it makes inferior tasting pork, but with the Chinese owning hog slaughtering in America and those plants shut down for Corona contaminated Mexicans, the use of soy in forced feeding is a commodity which has little purpose.
Couple that with oil prices dropping, soy oil as an engine fuel is prohibitive, as much as ethanol production from corn, is tanking worse than the stock market.

This blog warned that the President and USDA needed to set an agenda to have American farmers produce human food in wheat and rice, but the planting is moving toward the same worthless crops of soybeans and corn in this Coronavirus world.

The epic storm signs of Coronageddon are appearing, in Russia, which is the largest wheat producer is already cutting exports as the food supply has reached it's maximum output. The world has horded food and the ultimate problem is, in this HAARP storm, the world is experiencing a series of droughts from Australia to the United States. America by HAARP has entered into a drought era and in this, 2020 is going to be a hot year, unlike 2019 which was extremely cold in delaying plant growth, along with record rains. Heat and little rain will cut US production further.

Russia could suspend grain exports next month if export quota is reached

The worst of this is based in Asia. China predominantly is a rice in Canton and millet in Manchuria based food production, with pork as the staple with poultry. China can not feed itself. While it is one of the biggest food producers, along with Indonesia and India. they too are the largest food consumers.
The rest of the world has had to make up for this glut of imbalance, and the severe drought in Australia which burned down that nation, has a rice production from lack of water, as rice needs flooded fields to produce a crop, going from 800 thousand tons to 50 thousand tons. That kind of shortfall does not feed a China, as all nations which produce grains are shutting down exports so as not to starve themselves.

Supermarket shelves usually laden with rice are unlikely to be fully restocked in the short-term because of Australia's low rice production brought on by drought and lower water allocations.

  • Australia's rice production is at critically low level as farmers can't access water to grow it.
  • It's expected about 50,000 tonnes will be harvested this year, production in southern Australian averages 600,000–800,000 tonnes of rice per year.

All of this hording by China, which lied about this pandemic it released and covered it up, as it's agents went out and began buying up the world food supply, has driven up the prices of the staples of wheat and rice.

One of the largest exporters to China is Vietnam in rice. Vietnam like Australia have removed themselves from exporting rice. Vietnam has it's own drought problems. The literal reality is the world already has a food shortage and it is being exasperated by the cancerous glut of China.

This is the worst kind of catalyst for global upheaval as China is telling the world's starving "Let them eat rice" when they have already devoured the cake.

The shares of Indian crop production have also fallen. Indian like Indonesia has over 1 billion people. There are now in Asia, over 3 billion people, all moving on the same food source, and that food source is already shorted and it must be remembered, the growing season is done in Australia as their winter is thee American summer. India is in a pandemic situation which is building as is Vietnam. Sick people and dying people do not plant crops and the same situation is building in the United States, as the calls to "Open up America" have ignored the biggest threat to the United States, in America has a small population of farmers, who are all old, have health issues, and are all prime candidates for not just contracting Coronavirus, but dying from it.

This blog has warned in what is America going to do, if the opening of America, produces a surge of virus cases, which at the planting season from April 15th to June 1st has fuel supply problems and the farmers are coughing up lungs in numbers which crops are not planted.

This is not all based in China and must be addressed in the United States as under Obama, communists of China took over the pork supply and Brazilians took over the beef production, both operations are now Mexican Coronavirus contaminated and shutting down.
The United States for all it's wonder in food production, may be sitting on piles of corn and soybeans which no one can eat, as wheat prices soar in speculation as when George Soros jumped prices to cause the 2008 meltdown to install Barack Hussein Obama.

I will repeat in this, the world is in a precarious position in lacking the necessary amounts of wheat and rice. The United States is not immune to this in corporate agricultural policy. America could be left without adequate wheat supplies even if it produces a crop.
Added to this, the Monsanto high production wheats have no food value. I was speaking with and old rancher this past winter and he was telling me that his cattle all had lump jaw. That is a disease which arises from lack of food quality. Most of America for the past years has had too much rain. Too much rain, and too high of crop yields deplete food nutrient quality. Animals get weak, because they literally can starve with full stomachs.

I am reminded in this, in the mystery of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ, in which it is said that it would take a day's wages just to buy a loaf of bread. None of that seems out of the norm after seeing the gouging going on in America as eggs rose to 5 dollars a dozen and toilet paper was selling for 2.50 a roll, and bread had disappeared.
50 dollars for a loaf of bread is quite understandable, as Coronavirus has placed the world in jeopardy with HAARP tricks to sell fuel to heat homes and nation rapists have been producing trade goods instead of food on American farms.

This blog is warning you of a huge problem out there as it always has. This is one step from a global disaster and that disaster is close.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
