Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Deuteronomy of Coronavirus

Deuteronomy 28:15

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After posting this revelation:

How to stop the Coronavirus Plague

I received this question which I had not really contemplated as I had assumed the cause and effect of Biblical Judgment.

Without national repentance and removal of foreigners, are we left with Washington's vision at valley forge?
The short answer would be YES, but the long answer for me would be more interesting.

Here am I receiving correspondence from people, and that includes family. The family part I am ignoring as people have made their own choices, but some of my family, in the extended part are genuine and it has brought us closer together. I realize that numbers of people are afraid, afraid of losing everything, and fearful of dying or what the future holds.
For me it all goes back to what I informed TL of in February, in I made a decision that I was not going to the hospital if I contracted this biological weapon, as I do not have that much, and I sure as hell am not going to have everything taken away and be a coofer without any lungs, lingering on. I have never feared death, I loathe the part getting there, but I trust in Christ to pay the Way for me to enter Heaven. After that I would prefer to create the end of nowhere, with a willow tree, and if some of my animals wanted to come stay, that is enough for me.

When I inquire of God, I listen to Him from the inside. I use the Bible and I can not explain what I do in flash reading or I guess it would be called matrix numbers, but that is how I read things in the present and future.
Inquiry is really something to be learned, as you can pick up others, satan gives false reads, and it is difficult to explain, but the matrix is alive and you have to know how to feel it to understand the nuance and body language of it.

When I use flash reading it is fast and I make mistakes sometimes in other things get involved. I have to amplify sometimes to get through the displacements of others screwing up the flow. When I use numbers, it is accurate, but I do not have the years or knowledge to comprehend all what it is revealing.

When I was asked, I did a numbers assessment, which I do not do very often now as it takes more time, more energy and I have neither, and it is slower. Someone once asked me what the numbers meant and I only know superficially what the sequences, patterns and assembly mean. I know that will make no sense, but I know the numbers in how they appear mean more than what I can comprehend in the patterns. In this inquiry I found fours dominated. There was order in the house or the numbers. The patterns were evenly balanced. They were not written in stone, so to answer, could people repent and lessen the effect? Most certainly, so it is not "sealed", but when the number sequence appeared and it filled in at the beginning in a hard to complete assembly, that tells me this is ordered, and that is set in stone.

 Signature 4. Complete house. Sequence small and large with the large completed at the beginning.


This was a powerful number read, but not overwhelming. It was more matter of fact. There is a calm I feel when asking the Holy Ghost and numbers like this assemble easily. In this though, there is a point that satan is a destructive force, so it is not going to hinder the kinds of destruction from a pandemic and those events which amplify out from this.

Maybe it is the way I cope with stress in how I survived years of abuse and captivity, but I view this as an adventure. I view this as the stage for Christ to return. I will get to see awful things that the Prophets revealed by the Holy Ghost, which people have always wondered what they are. I do not consider dodging Coronavirus such a bad thing, as I got a surprise in I believe we were deliberately infected with an inoculating strain a few times, which was the hand of God looking out for us. I am more appreciative of it, as I recover from each bout, but like rabies shots, this is something no one would want a constant repeat performance.

So as a Christian I have complete hope in the Lord in this first wave of reckoning. I will not give up, but as I always do, I move by the left flank, ahead each day. I view this as my enemies will be made to come to terms. The cartel will feed on the rich, and the rich will lose their gods.  This is after all what I have been preparing for my entire life.
What I have suspected and felt is also true. People as satanic amplifiers, the cartel and satan are so either distracted or satiated, that things are not ...........I'm not pinned down as I was, and I can move again and find the openings in this brief pause between the storms which are rolling in. That part provides me opportunity
Unless I hear different from God, I will not write another time line. That would be counter productive as Christ has shortened the days, and I will not be the one lengthening them.

As for George Washington's vision, that appears more prophetic and yet the President has done a good job in this, in being an oil ally with Russia. I have always stated that if Donald Trump and Vladimir  Putin would reach a Christian Accord, it would bleed off the anti Christ's power, and Armageddon would be a different Judgment with the Chinamen on foot facing the anti Christians, as the Christian peoples stayed home.
That remains to be seen as the matrix flows forward.
At the end of Washington's vision, the Christ is the Savior, and an American rebuilt in nice homesteads, for a 1000 years of Christ's Rule is my kind of world.

This all is like birthing. You can't get to Jesus, without the labor pains, which are an ordeal, because the world is overflowing with wickedness.

Personally, here am I, starting to like this world of being liberated from going to town. I focus on garden and things coming alive. For me, evil consuming each other is better than evil directed at destroying me.

The world was not working for me, my entire life, so I do not have much use for that world or sympathies for it. There is not going to any national repentance, no ending debt slavery, no ending foreign slave imports, and not any ending deliberate sins of abomination.

I'm still waiting for the Two Witnesses and the 3rd Temple. I can attest though that like most of you, in all of this upheaval, my personal world is really not that different from what it was just a few months ago. On the extended world, I like seeing selfish people getting what is coming to them, and I like watching people who think they are God, gnawing on themselves that they can't do anything about stopping what this virus is undoing.

Tomorrow is another day where you are going and I have been. Be of good cheer my children as Christ will carry you through this, the adventure has just begun and Jesus is Lord of all.

Nuff Said
