Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Raolt Chloroquine Study

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those asking questions, please understand that in the below, I answered the first part on supplements, so you will have to check the archives, but all supplements help. The Selenium and Zinc especially.

For this blog, I was promised by my provider 10 megs extra for this Coronavirus to check on things online. My service is running backwards with ATT as the data limit ran out, and the ATT site times out in trying to ask what is up. My world of poverty.

What are your thoughts on various nutritional supplements like Vit D3, zinc etc. What do you think of hydroxychloroquine given the recently 1061 patient Raoult study and the 368 retrospective VA study?

I believe Chloroquine is the answer with zinc, just as Ivomec is a treatment. The use by doctors in achieving results from intravenous  in New York to pills in other cases has been successful. The Russians state that you have to take Chloroquine before you go toe tag as the earlier the better.
There are billion dollar interest in vaccines by Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, so they are going to do all they can to smear treatments which are cheap, effective and available now. The last thing the cartel wants is their germ to disappear too soon.

In that, the studies I have reviewed in shutting down Chloroquine were not backed by data I would trust or peer reviews. I have stopped listening to the naysayers on Chloroquine. There is a reason Nevada horded it, and there is a reason it is in short supply and that reason is it does work.
The Jews have a problem as they want chimera "vaccines", but one of their doctors was treating Jews successfully with Chloroquine.

We are being lied to from top to bottom on this. I read where the discoverer of HIV stated this is a biological weapon created in a lab, and today WHO came out said it was not. Those behind this pandemic own the information and will keep producing the same false narratives as their necks are on the line.

Rauolt Study

•No cardiac toxicity was observed.
•A good clinical outcome and virological cure was obtained in 973 patients within 10 days (91.7%).
A poor outcome was observed for 46 patients (4.3%); 10 were transferred to intensive care units, 5 patients died (0.47%) (74-95 years old) and 31 required 10 days of hospitalization or more.
The authors conclude that:
“The HCQ-AZ combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, is a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagiosity in most cases.”
