Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Jong is dead - Long live the Jong

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The best analysis of what the leader of North Korea is suffering through is centered on his train.

BREAKING: China-Backed Satellite TV Network Reporting that Kim Jong-un Is Dead   pjmedia 

The train is the key to this, and indications are, the leader was suffering from a heart condition, which was not serious, but it prolapsed, which indicates he may have suffered from valve problems, and with diabetes, and the threat of his incapacitated state for a coup, caused a delay, and this is what initiated the problem, as Kim was forced into an emergency operation, where in his state and the odds of something bad happening, happened to Kim Jong Un, in he lapsed into a coma.

He was unresponsive, as his condition continued to deteriorate, reports surfaced that he was brain dead. His personal train at Wonson does not indicate movement to the compound, as the family has their own medical complex there. It had been discussed moving the body to China for treatment by train, but with the Coronavirus rampant, that was ruled out.

Chinese physicians have been brought in to consult on the case, a when Kim's father was dying. Remember that Jewish leader Ariel Sharon, lived 8 years in coma, and in North Korea, a General or party head just does not unplug the life support of an absolute leader.


Kim has two siblings, a weak brother named Kimg Jong Chul, who his father called sissy, but Chul was the person appointed to arrest the family Uncle who was execute. The other is the strong sister, Jo.  She is a remarkable woman in charge of propaganda.


Kim is married, but wives are not promoted to the family dynasty. They have a daughter, but these are children yet and what emerges to rule in North Korea, in not going to be a child. Nor is a military coup an option, even with China's blessing as China with expansion desires, has enough problems with Coronavirus, without Russia in the north being further driven into alliance with the United States over Chinese troops in North Korea.

In Kim's ascension, there was a time of, rule by committee, until he became the absolute leader. North Korea appears poised in that orderly process, as it understands that China is their problem, and America is a threat to the regime, so upheaval in power grabs are not in North Korean interest.

I would project this as Jo will become the public face, the committee will rule by decision, and the military will secure North Korea for the party.  Twenty years is a long time for a daughter of Kim to be groomed for power, there will be a need for Chul to be a regent figurehead, that may grow into the job.

If the North Koreans do not proceed without mistakes, this is where the Great Eurasian War will start with nuclear stalemate.

The Lame Cherry condolences to the family of Kim. I liked him for the dynamic leader he was. He was North Korea's best hope for prosperity and a new kind of Korea. He has set the stage where Jo and the committee could continue the "westernization" of North Korea for peace.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

agtG 284YY