Saturday, April 25, 2020

The FBI's New Crisis

I prefer to think of us as Felony Bedfellows Incorporated


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The FBI's most recent enforcement of high crimes was to raid a Detroit clinic, which was treating Coronavirus patients with Vitamin C. The fact that no one can be hurt with an IV of Vitamin C, is the ridiculous nature of abuse of power by the FBI under Director Wray.
The FBI has not moved to investigate who is spreading the Coronavirus, who from the Obama holdovers plotted to spread this virus, and what powerful people are lying about Chloroquine.

The reality is that Christopher Wray, is a mirror image of protector of America, Robert Mueller, in protecting the FBI at all costs to the hurt and harm of Americans.The absolute high school cheerleader hate squad run by Director James Comey, was not rooted out. Criminals were allowed to go free and in new documents released to Micheal Flynn's capable attorney, Sidney Powell, the evidence is  that the FBI not only framed General Flynn, but Director Wray has been covering up numerous high crimes which the Agency was involved in this coup.

Flynn Frame Up Exposed: 2 Sources Says FBI Chief Hid Evidence, DOJ Initiates Damage Control - Conservative Daily Post   conservativedailypost

Powell, who has had a long battle to obtain the evidence and is still fighting to obtain information from FBI Director Christopher Wray, who replaced fired FBI Director James Comey said, “this Court must dismiss this concocted prosecution of General Flynn in full recognition of the travesty of justice that it is.”

Director Wray has covered up high crimes, meaning he was an accomplice to these high crimes, and instead of the conspiratorial crimes of Robert Mueller, Christopher Wray was active in a cover up, which reached to the coup against President Donald Trump.

There is not any excuse in this, of looking for traitors in the US government working with foreign states, this is a known innocent man in General Powell, who was targeted by Barack Hussein Obama for exposing the danger radical Islam is, with a proven innocent President in Donald Trump, having evidence hidden for years. The fact is, this Coronavirus Pandemic is linked to all of this, as this links to the Impeachment sham, and all of this has endangered the very existence of the United States, and the fact that this coup has cost American's their life savings.

As Director Christopher Wray will not do the honorable thing in resigning, it is of absolute necessity that he be removed as Director, and the best solution is a Department of Justice indictment of the Director, to remove any more hints of political firings.

This is absolutely disgusting what Christopher Wray has hidden, which allowed the torture and torment of the Flynn family for years, but then this is the FBI that sent out a SWAT team Navy to assault the home of Roger Stone, which was preceded by the reprehensible assault on the home of Paul Manafort.

The FBI has been moved off it's course. It has protected criminals in Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and the Bush family. It has gone after innocent Americans out of SDNY in Donald Trump, his family and his associates and supporters. It is now arresting Vitamin C as an enemy of the State.

As the DOJ has released the files which Director Wray has covered up for years. it is tantamount that Christopher Wray and his legal counsel be indicted, as it is a high crime to cover up high crimes against the Citizens of the United States.

Nuff Said
