Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Nimrod Virus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly am amused in watching the rats in the maze on the hits on this blog, as they project that Americans are thinking the epidemic is over, and they can go back to exactly the sinful wretches on the road to hell they always were.
Yes this virus has not taught Americans anything. It has just made them on edge more and more nasty.

This blog is the only source which stated this is a thinking virus. The quote below from the Epoch Times says what Coronavirus is thinking.

As of April 23, the number of confirmed infections in Belgium announced was 42,797; the number of deaths was 6,490—making the death rate roughly 15 percent. This places Belgium’s mortality rate above hard-hit regions like the United States, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

Belgium is an international trade center in Antwerp. It loves Muslims and Chinese, and produces Volvo's for the Chinese market. It also joins that group of nations either joined at the hip with Tel Aviv or Peking.
This is a thinking virus and it is telling you something.

For arrogant Americans who think smugly they dodge the bullet, they need to remember that this virus thinks. This virus walks on two legs. This virus is above the law and this virus has been absolutely successful in all it has projected to accomplish.
What this poor orphan girl is informing you of, is that this thinking virus can appear anywhere it wants, target any genus it chooses, and plunge any nation to the depths of the Black Death, if it so desires to make a point.
For the George Noory types, the fact is that 15% death rates in Belgium are severe, more severe than the flu and more deadly than just about any cancer. This thinking biological weapon according to the Epoch Times thoughts, really does not like China, does not like China Silk Roads, does not like Chinese industry and does not like them taking power in Europe in the beachheads of Italy and Belgium.
All this Chinese 5G, Coronavirus does not like. It does not like American mandates in Europe and does not like Russia, thinking that Eastern Europe should come behind the Iron Curtain again. This virus has done quite allot of thinking in Europe, so much so it should win the Nobel Prize for science, economics and peace, as it has been involved in everything from banking to politics. It is like Andres Breivik with a resume, as it has thought all of this out.

As thos blog exclusively reported, China had started manufacture of a Coronavirus based upon the Arabian SARS virus which the Jews had made as a replacement for the Swiss made SARS which Dr. Germ had contracted with Iran to kill off Arabs.
The Chicom virus was a dead end virus, orally infected, and deadly, but would not transmit nor mutate, as Arabian SARS. This was to be given first to the United States, followed by Chinese in America sabotaging things, for a coming Chinese invasion of Alaska to secure oil, as China having African and Asian rare earth materials, and a stable supply of oil, would make Europe it's footstool for the Chinese Century.
Someone did not want to be a Chinaman's footstool, and the Mirror virus was released, confusing Peking, until it started sending infected PLA trolls across the world to infect other nations.

Of course in this thinking virus, there were other genetic types of Mirror which appeared in Iran, Italy, Spain, and the free flow came into the United States with a Negroid and Mexicanoid model too, as a pushy America was not acceptable in this Old World Order being established.

So this virus thinks, and is quite genius. It thinks lying China should have 30 strains, and the strains have the CDC revamping the symptoms of this virus which has no symptoms and has symptoms. It all depends if you eat feces of the infected or if you eat snot, as the strains are carried there and placed in public places, unless it is the target transmission in oral introduction through water bottles, you will notice when Corona appears, it is always fast and deadly to get the attention in shock and awe, and then it just sort of plateau kills for a lengthy time.
Italy and France had death rates of 1000 to 1500 per day for almost a month, and in lockdowns, dropped the cases to 300 to 500 per day, still a number of people, but mirrors the United States at 2500 per day, and dropping to 2000 per day in lockdowns, but that virus must be spread as it thinks, so the lockdowns come off.

You should be able to see what this virus is thinking. It does not like centralized power in China. It does not like China beachheads. It does not like Chinese allies like Iran, Italy, Belgium and even the United States.
Speaking of which, it does not like Anglo American finance. It really does not like this human traffick slave labor situation in Europe, England and the United States, because it is concentrated work forces on the Hitler model.
You will notice it does not like Blacks and Mexicans in the United States. It is not racist, it just reasons as a virus, in economics and politics, as the keys to power.
It is developing a dislike for Negroids in Africa and Mongoloids in Latin America, just as it did not like Saudi oil and wealth having all of that power.

For almost a mirror image, if you are a poor bloke in Australia, a mate in England, a fellow in Germany or a guy in America, and throw in Canada, you will find like the tovarich in Russia, that you pretty much think like Coronavirus. Coronavirus is quite MAGA, not in making America great, but keeping 2016 campaign promises, as this virus does not like liberals of any color. That is not to say that it likes Conservatives, but it is to say it tolerates the chums, as it knows the cloth of the land is nothing to fear as they are not competitors, as they take it on the chin and reason this is a pretty fair fight.

That thinking Cornavirus is something to be respected for genius and for accomplishment. It is as thorough as Nineveh founded by Nimrod, who was a virus of a different sort in being a nighty hunter of humans before the Lord.

The Coronavirus in the Chicom's hands was a biological weapon. In the hands of the architects, it is a tool like the compass and angle, which is crafting the foundations of a grande order. As DARPA, CIA and DIA are confused by this virus, this virus in technology was so far beyond what Americans had, than a computer is to a spark off of flint.

Do not worry about looking for this virus in genius to worship it, as the events will overtake each of us and find us, as the virus is but one sculpted creation, which will be followed by other creations.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

