Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The After Effects of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading on a thread of a person in Illinois whose sister in law contracted Coronavirus Wuhan, and she made it through, but was still not very healthy a month later. In my case, I like others contracted, probably deliberately, the original strain which was supposed to negate the Wuhan virus in November of last year. It lasted about 11 to 14 days, and I degraded until about day 9, in which my lungs hurt, along with all the other symptoms.

I believe I was kindly remedied with the inoculant of Corona Wuhan Mirror, and while the spikes in the head and chest compression were unpleasant, it was about 4 days and done with this vaccine spray job.
Another cut off was administered I believe awhile later.

I had about 2 weeks of weakness, trouble getting my breath, but as I was busy working, and these wer dead end viruses, so I did not transmit them, I got better in a long cold spring and in that brings me to this assessment.

I needed to get things done around here, from that prick Uncle wasting my time last year, and this place in need of everything from donations to equipment, my answer from God for a prayer to have a tractor, yielded instead how to make a 3 point hitch on a horrid Allis Chalmers we have around here. Never by that crap as it is like Chinese low grade materials.

So I spent the 24th taking apart the hitch on the tractor, grinding metal, measuring and welding the piece I needed to make the thing work.
It was a hot day, I was in coveralls, moved onto digging the garden with a little digger I had put together years before, for a 3 point, built on Ford frame, put up the fence to keep the cattle out with TL, and we raked the garden, and I felt achy and drained.

I noticed that night that my chest in the bronchial area started to feel heavy and I knew something was up. I slept fine, but by morning I had wet lung, which is what I get from allergies. I have hard time with barn dust, and while I was not in the barn, that is what it felt like.
I did chores, and then went for a walk with TL, when I noticed my lungs really felt heavy in the back, like when I had this virus. In fact, as I walked, it felt like someone had kidney punched me on both sides, but in the lungs instead. My lungs were aching, but by the time I finished walking the ache had gone, and I just have that wet bronchial and they feel a bit heavy by night.

This is just my experience, but for those George Noory types who are forcing people back into the work force, my conclusion is numbers of people who have had this virus, and recovered, are going to think they can do normal things, and get a surprise that might have them going to an emergency ward.
Having no money, my choices are dying or getting better.

I was exposed to exhaust from the tractor, welding smoke from an arc welder, and I would assume a little dust while digging. None of which ever brought about symptoms like I had today. I still feel like I have to cough as it tickles in my bronchial tube, but I do feel ragged out.
This was not the virus in a relapse, but something else which this virus leaves behind. I know that something that was an irritation previously is almost severe. I will explain that I'm not like most people who get hurt and go to the doctor. I fell through a barn floor, about tore my arm off, might have ripped some heart sack lining and fractured my sternum, and I got up, and had to sit back down in a bale as I thought, "This hurts", and after about 15 minutes I had recovered enough to move around and finished things up. I think the sternum lasted about a week and my shoulder hurt like for 8 months before it healed, so when I say my lungs hurt, they hurt as it got my attention.

All I will do is pray and hope this is healed, as I did not expect whatever this was to resurface again, but then I have never been hit with a biological inoculate 3 times in experiments either.

The point is, I do not believe the people who had this virus, are going to be working physical jobs, jobs with irritants or doing much, but looking into disability. As I type this, I am ready for another nap, but will wait as I have to feed a calf at midnight, and I can not go out and get chilled again.

As I have not received my Trump check yet, and probably never will unless I remind them, I believe there is going to be an entire class of Coronavirus gimps, and not all of them were on ventilators. That is going to be a huge spike in disability payments until they die.
Bad reactions from being inoculated and just a bad virus response is going to be affecting a number of Americans. No one has mentioned this, and this is a coming reality if this poor orphan girl is the rule, rather than the exception.

I hope that cancer man Rush Limbaugh considers that in his calls to force people back to work, if he would like to be loading cement when he is on chemo.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
