Sunday, May 10, 2020

75 and still Alive

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

75 - still alive - still working minimum wage but essential (grocery) - taking the pills you suggested - tired but that is age related I think. . . . thank you for all the info. . . . no mask

Dear Susan,

Thank you for the note, donation and letting me know how you are doing.

I thought I would fill you in on some stories here. Two weeks ago, thinking it was spring here, we went to the greenhouse at a farm store, and I finally found some oddball cabbages, which I have no idea if they will produce, but since the ones I have purchased the last years did not produce, I can't be out that much.

Your work reminded me of a gal about your age who stopped and helped me, as I apparently looked lost at looking at plants which I did not want. She was doing the watering in the greenhouse, absolutely no mask, no protection and having the time of her life. She was real take charge and it made me smile as there was not any fear in her.
I said I was looking for some snacking tomatoes as TL said to get some, and she showed me some, which were burned off and she said, "Don't buy them, we are going to have to take them out" and then she handed me some single specimens and I was on my way. I really appreciated her help and her attitude, as every employee there over the years have acted like the worst job in the world was watering plants.
I guess Coronavirus is good for something in it has the worst people quitting and hiding and the best people are out not bothered.

I honestly believe that this virus is spread as the data proves by eating it or picking at the face with dirty hands. I believe it is feces spread and in the special cases of infections, I believe it is target spread by those who are using it.

Your last name reminded me of a story about a family member on the mother's side. I got this from a person who has your same last name. He was a breed, as they married into the Indians around here, and the kids I went to school with, all had dark hair too. This one though was a Jehovah's Witness like my uncles they came to visit. Odd thing about the Witness in my uncle had two young wives, the first one I think tried to blow him up with a gas line being cut, as it was cheaper than divorce, but the last one is a gem.
This guy who was telling this story had a hot young wife too. Must be like the Amish, if you join you get the fresh stuff.

Anyway, he used to stay with my mum's relatives, and every night after milking the old guy would turn off the lantern and check for sparks in the hay, as he did not want the barn to burn down with the milk cows inside. The boys were all lithe from work, but the one had sent away like a Disney movie for a boxing lesson course, and he worked on that constantly.
Well on day at school, one of the other kids said, "There goes one of those dirty Clarkes", as being Canadian they were not exactly welcome, and probably were dirty too. Yes they fell a bit away from the signer of the Declaration in Abraham Clarke, but that is not part of this long winded story.

So my mum's cousin asked him to repeat it, which it was, and there on the steps the fight ensued. It was not really a fight as this guy told it, as our cousin hit the kid twice, before he could move, and dropped him stone cold. Took awhile to wake the loud mouth up even. Apparently boxing correspondence courses are worth their money.

Which reminds me of another relative I think I mentioned before, who has a French sounding name. He appeared here after the Navy, where his greatest joy in life was knocking out blacks in the boxing ring. I think he held the Navy weight class in his division.
Again anyway, he was here, and the boys went out, making the rounds to the bars. There was this one bar where a loud mouth had taken residence from out of state. He had been pestering this local guy non stop in trying to pick a fight with him. So my cousin walked in, and the guy starts being a bully, and he  got really perplexed when my cousin asked him to step outside as the other guy was scared of him.
So they go outside, and the guy was going to throw the first punch. Wham wham, my cousin had the guy out on his feet, before he hit the ground, and it happened faster than reading this. The bully never returned and I don't think he ever figured out he had picked on the wrong guy.

As I informed Sandy in a letter, I am a bad influence on girls as to the subjects I digress to, as she goes off chasing cows or doing other things which are amusing.

It is almost 10 o'clock as I type this, and I have to get ready and go feed my not so baby calf, who I think if she could figure it out, could pick me up and run away with me. I like her best, because she comes and checks on me when I am outside. Not many animals do that, but this one does.

You though Susan are proof, that this virus, does not like clean people. Those masks are a bigger problem I believe for grubby people as they are always messing with them and getting germs from their face onto things or germs from the world onto their face. If I was going into a coofer den by force, I would wear one, but have not had one on in our infrequent trips to town, and our friends in the grocery, none of them have had any infections, and they have seen tens of thousands of people shopping.
All we have here are Mexican coofers. That last load Homeland let in was toxic, and caused all these problems, as the media is trying to say the spread came from New York, which it did, but that is cover of the latent spread which was this last batch of Mexican workers and why Trump shut things down, and they knew these beaners were carriers. So we have uno and dos who are sick here, and waiting to see if the rest of them in their Little Ghetto are going to go coof.  It is a big dairy and they confine the Mexicans like the cattle to sheds, or trailer houses.
I really hope the force the beaners back to work, as the beaner is bright enough to run back to Mexico and take the virus with them, and the ones waiting around down there are not going to be coming up here for years, in knowing they will die. Coronavirus has been a wonderful President in it really does like Americans.

I should wrap this up, as it is time to get moving as baby calves have no patience and after a whopper headache today, I am looking forward to sleep. Speaking of which, being tired is normal, and seasonal. Spring has heavier air, and down there they imported all those pollen plants and they are starting to grow, and the heat, it takes time for the blood to thin and not be tired. I know,  I sound like I came out of a Midwife's handbook. Actually my Gram was a midwife, had a bag of potions, but then everyone did, as most doctors back in day killed about as many horses as they did people with their veterinary diploma from the mail in school.

God bless you and keep you Susan. You and all of God's children are in our prayers, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

Nuff Said
