Sunday, May 10, 2020

At the HAARP of Coronavirus for Mother's Day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the east coast is freezing due to an impossible POLAR VORTEX in May, and thee American southwest is frying in record heat and drought, the Lame Cherry is going to connect both to the deliberate spread of Coronavirus by HAARP, just as HAARP was freezing everyone to sell high priced energy to Americans for the past winters.

In thee above, you see another strange weather pattern generated by HAARP, just before the Polar Vortex was sucked down from the Arctic for Mothers' Day.

The Guardian

Near-record heat is expected again for Southern California, the Desert Southwest and the southern Rockies.
Strengthening high pressure will mean excessive heat and wildfire threats across the Southwest into Southern California, with above-average temperatures expanding into the Pacific Northwest this weekend, according to the WPC.

 This is what the above Mother's Day massacre looked like before it unleashed on the Coronavirus east.
It literally had been a year from Texas to the Dakotas, where spring did not happen. The temperatures went from 30 degrees to 50 degrees, and from 50 degrees to 80 degrees. It was freeze drying and heat drying all of the central United States.
As the Mother's Day massacre unleashed, the wind began blowing almost constantly in wind storms out of the north for days on end. Again that is not what weather fronts ever do, and yet that is what will be unleashed again in this pattern of a few warm days, and 10 days of Arctic cold.

I desire you to see a close up of the Central Plains as this is remarkable. This grab is out of the NWS in South Dakota, and this churning blob, was sitting there for 2 days, until you see what happened in the first scream grab in it tore off to the east coast in hours.
Beneath is blob, there is something happening, which has only been covered here, and that is the Sioux Indians are having a Coronavirus hot spot. Amazing isn't it that this area gets the very weather, like the polar vortex, WHICH DOES NOT EXIST, is keeping Mother's Day a coffer's crypt creator, in providing thee exact cold and wet to get Americans sick and dead.

The Russians though have been reporting what was the first data on Coronavirus, in this virus dies in sunshine and in heat. The data I was told and not ever been able to confirm, was that at 70 degrees room temperature, the Coronavirus simply will not replicate in rabbits which were tested. 
This virus breeds in cold and cold that drops human temperatures. It thrives in fevers, and at 30 degrees celsius, the Russian



30 degree Celsius conversion

The temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) is equal to 30 degrees Celsius (ºC) times 9/5 plus 32: T(ºF) = 30ºC × 9/5 + 32 = 86ºF.

Yes summer temperatures of 86 degrees Fahrenheit stops this virus in it's tracks.  The odd thing though is the CIA's Mockingbird rag was telling the public that sunlight does not kill this virus, nor does going outside.
That is convenient for keeping people cooped up and coofing on each other in lock downs. I am not stating this is the big conspiracy as some of the fringe are, because distancing has saved a number of lives, and so many of them that the powers have to open up American again to get more people infected, but there is a reason that HAARP generated Arctic Cold in May, and it was to contract this virus into more people, who were used to temperatures in the 80's.

 The Lame Cherry is now going to inform you of something in this, that just like the Vietnam War projected 65,000 dead Americans, and the war stopped when that number was reached, it is evident that projections, not the published models, but the real projections have been produced to infect and kill numbers of people, before this pandemic ends.

There is a reason that New York, Ohio, Minnesota are getting coof weather, instead of the 90 degree heat which is in the West (this portends to a drought year which I have suspected, but HAAPR is notorious of changing weather as it has frozen Americans for the past winters for profit) which would slow this plague down to a crawl. This is deliberate, and it is also deliberate that the southweat which has piles of Mexicans is being heated up, to slow the spread, coming out of the Midwest.
Note in this though, that the Navajo, which seem to have their own strain, are still dropping like flies. This is a thinking virus with oral feces infection on target groups. In other broadcast areas, which are "democrat" the HAARP Corona is assisted by the weather.
This does not mean it is to assist the GOP, as this virus kills old voters who vote Republican. It is killing Black voters who were trending Republican. Mexicans are not supposed to be voting and mail in votes do not need cadavers to vote, so that fraud demographic is unaffected, but there is the reality that thee American Northeast just got a Mother's Day which will produce a viral surge around the 25th of May, and kill people into June.

Hmmm, seems to me there was an unreleased projection from those in the know, that was discounted, which was predicting 3000 dead Americans a day by June 1st. That would fit this Mother's Day massacre in the mysterious HAARP Polar Vortex which is the Coronavirus biological weapon's best spreader.

You deal with the rest of the conclusions as I'm not feeling well from this damned weather in severe sinus problems again, as someone was digging trenches in Arctic winds and sweating, which for some reason had to be done, and was not just a great idea now.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


