Friday, May 1, 2020

America is losing Corona Propaganda War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you want to know the undertow of the propaganda flow, the Rense site is the place to browse, and this blog warned the President that if he did not get ahead of the propaganda narrative on Coronavirus Wuhan, he was going to lose the narrative, and that American narrative is being eroded away to the point the United States is going to collapse from the high ground of this Wuhan virus, as what emerged in Chinese PLA and Iranian cover ups, is now being conducted out of Russian media, with American trolls, once again thinking America is the center of the universe, so everything which happens is America's fault.

CVD Is a Neocon Biowar Attack on China
...Unpacking Ron Unz's Bombshell Article

This blog will state again the facts. China was building in an Obama lab, a first strike biological weapon against the United States, which would disrupt the European order to ascend to superpower status.
The cartel had hijacked most of American politics, education, industry and was operating inside the United States their own bioweapons lab, using American research. It was this bioweapon's cache which was accessed, in the series of Coronaviruses being spread around the globe. This is why the CIA and Pentagon are dumbfounded in this virus is beyond what they have, and the Chinese are too ignorant to have ever created anything like this.
In order to not be blamed and retaliated upon, the European cartel is shifting focus from them as in the Kennedy assassination run out of Tel Aviv, to the United States, producing a narrative which blames the United States, and is not all untrue, as this series of virus was made in the United States, as was the immortal mutation for the elite.

With the President now opening up America to spread the virus in the second and third wave, this is not going well for him politically. The United States is going to be blamed for this, and the world is going to gather against the United States when war comes and war is coming, as we are already in a biological war, and Americans have enough treacherous trolls in places of power to promote the destruction of this nation, as they think they are going to be safe.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

