Friday, May 1, 2020

Tarda Justia Nullus Justia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The principles in the framing of General Michael Flynn, Director James Comey, Assistant Director Andrew McCabe, Special Agent Lisa Page, Special Agent James Baker, Special Agent Peter Strzok and Special Agent Joseph Pientka, all have the fundamental problem of Director Christopher Wray, knowing what was in the FBI files since 2017, along with Department of Justice prosecutors, along with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, have one thing in common, and that each of these principles asked 3 questions:

1. Question 1, should be frame Michael Flynn.
2. Question 2, should be entrap Michael Flynn.
3. Question 2, in playing this criminal subterfuge, how do we protect the FBI.

Hidden away for years, from the Court, from Michael Flynn, from thee American People, has been the revelation that the FBI Special Agent, Joseph Pientka, was well aware the White House would be furious, once they learned that the FBI was "playing games" in trying to frame an innocent man.
The FBI's sole intent was to first ask Michael Flynn about a conversation with a Russian and what was in that tapped conversation, and if admitted to that conversation, then they would attempt to trip him up in a lie, in order to entrap him, which is exactly what they did.
There never was an investigation of Michael Flynn, because as Peter Strzok admitted in memos, he knew there was nothing to this Russiagate.

… Michael Flynn’s meeting at the White House with the FBI was a complete setup… He never lied… it’s all in Mr. Baker’s notes, that’s the exculpatory evidence.”
Baker is former FBI chief legal counsel James Baker who took notes of agent Peter Strzok and agent Joseph Pientka’s interview of President Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.        

The purpose of what Peter Strzok existed for in the FBI, was to head a counter intelligence unit on foreign spies. He was placed there to hide what Barack Obama had been engaged in illegally in Libya. From there, Strzok and Pienta appeared in everything from Anthony Weiner's porn files, meeting with British MI6 to frame Trump associates, investigating Hillary Clinton, and setting off Operation Crossfire Hurricane, on fake intelligence with the one purpose of stopping President Donald Trump from keeping his MAGA promises.

This is what Solomon told Dobbs (prior to the release of the documents):
I think we’re going to learn tonight or early tomorrow morning, we will see the release of some new handwritten notes that the FBI failed to turn over to General Flynn and his team in over the three-year course in this legal battle. And those notes are going to show that the FBI was engaged in a conversation about how they could trick General Flynn into lying. Rather resolve the issues that the investigation was designed to, there are references in these notes, according to my sources, to quote “play games.” Do we want to resolve this or do we want to catch him in a lie?” If those are in the notes as my sources described them, it will put the FBI’s work on the Flynn case in the darkest possible light. You’ll actually have FBI proof that the FBI wasn’t trying to investigate facts neutrally, it was trying to quote “play a game.”

What the principles engaged in this was the betrayal of the United States Justice system. What followed was an immense coverup, which no one would have ever suspected as Donald Trump would be in prison now, with Hillary Clinton as President. It has made zero difference if James Comey was Director or Christopher Wray, as Michael Flynn and other innocent Americans have been railroaded and bankrupted as the Director of the FBI sat silent as the Department of Justice prosecuted innocent Americans.
It is the duty of law enforcement to alert the US Prosecutors and if they will not inform the presiding Judge, then to inform the presiding Judge that there is evidence that innocent people are being railroaded. None of this has ever happened. All we get are ludicrous statements that Director Wray is cooperating.
Who reading this would accept that explanation if this was your case, that the FBI had files which stated it was framing you, and the Director sat on this evidence, as a Judge kept putting off your sentencing over appeals, which if they failed, you would be in prison?

In reviewing this evidence, there is nothing in this which reveals anything of searching for foreign moles or American traitors. All that is revealed is a group of horrid people who should never have been hired for the FBI and should have been fired like James Comey, for turning the FBI into a political weapon, in order to protect the 1% who rule behind the scenes.

For Michael Flynn, this was about the inner regime of feudal appointees, protecting their fellow travelers crimes, policies and power, in global deals which netted them power, profit and control, from Iran to China. For Michael Flynn, he had challenged Obama over Militant Islam, and as Militant Islam is the enforcer unit to sell stolen oil out of Syria and Iraq as ISIS, to uprisings for Libyan oil, to uprisings in Africa for Chinese mines, Militant Islam was part of the corporate structure and Michael Flynn had to be destroyed, in order for these international crooks to keep control.

There are no glamorous missing links or intrigue in this story, all there is is what President Trump said in bad cops, and these are as seedy as anything operating in the 3rd world or anything in 2nd world London protecting pedophile royals.

These are high crimes. These are abhorrent crimes. These are crimes of infamy, and the collusion which took place in Congressional treachery of Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi, should all bring criminal indictments by tribunals, and when judged guilty, these are the crimes that nations need to hang convicted criminals over, for the fact that no nation under God can survive, with this kind of assassination of the laws of the land by such perpetrators.

The United States Department of Justice and the FBI are criminalized centralized decentralized power. Centralized in the ability to initiate fraud framing of Citizens by compartmentalizing the frame, and decentralizing that the system is designed to protect the frame and destroy the Citizen and cover up the crimes with TIME, because there is no one who has the authority to shut down this cancer, once it is set in motion.
There are not checks in this nor balance. This is a methodical cancer of machine which once in motion, it does not stop until the person is broken or dead.

I have zero faith in Attorney General William Barr or US Attorney John Durham in this.  Michael Flynn has been the last political prisoner of Barack Hussein Obama, as Lawrence Sinclair was the first. There is not speedy justice in this, only the speedy lynching of innocent people, with delays for criminals of the system like Hillary Clinton.

Slow Justice is No Justice, tarda justia nullus justia.

This is the arena of the gulag and the police state, crushing the human spirit of the speedy lynching of rope burns on all the conspirators hands, but all claiming it was never their hands on the rope.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
