Wednesday, May 13, 2020

American Coronavirus Hot Spots

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Your slave laborer, the Lame Cherry, the poor orphan girl, is assembling information which you will not look for, and this information will keep you state, as this blog proves that Coronavirus moves in rythmn like a heart beat.

It will probably surprise you that the hottest spot in the United States is not New York for new cases. The plague central in America is Obama's Illinois. It is Blacks left to exist in Obama slums along with Mexicans.

I highlighted the problem states, and in each one you can find zones of death, usually metro areas. In all the states though, one state has been like a Corona Cancer, and that is Minnesota. Remember democrat Mark Dayton told White People to leave Minnesota, as he was dumping in hordes of foreigners. Minnesota began a slow spread, about the time South Dakota did, but this state just keeps getting hotter in almost thee entire state.
If you remember, the Lame Cherry noted that it was Hillary Clinton voting areas which were hot in Corona loved Clinton. Minnesota now though is filling in in vast swathes of plague. The state does not have hot zones like New Jersey, thee entire state is becoming a hot zone. Mirror this with Wisconsin which was very hot early, but has now abated. Where Wisconsin liberal and their pet foreigners subdued Coronavirus, Minnesota is one of the worst states in the world. It is the Iran of America.

The worst states to stay out of or stay hidden in are California as Los Angeles County with Chinese, Mexicans and Blacks is going to burn all summer.
Texas is rising in the same tan skin city states. Virginia has made a huge move in cases, again this is the Muslim etc... groups. Indiana is a major problem , no doubt Hoosiers are slumming in the slop of Ohio and Pennsylvania, meaning Indiana and Ohio  got hot, from Illinois, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

The Governors of these states should receive horrid marks, because New York caused this outflow, and companies sent their junket employees to New York spreading it, there is zero excuse after the New York bloom for a states in the northeast to have these kind of spreads.
It speaks volumes in Michigan which was absolutely criminal in Gov. Whitmer's Nazism locked her state down and got things under control, for these other states now to have replaced that lackluster performance.

Michigan 469 new cases

What America is experiencing though is the Black Burn, the Afroid of the slums spreading the virus. On the tails of this are the biggest problem of Mexicans in pig plants, who are infecting other 3rd world slaves, as is still the case in Sioux Falls South Dakota, having recorded over 3000 cases and still growing, all from one wetback John Kelly worker.

Illinois 4014
California 1735
New York 1504
New Jersey 942

Texas 1011
Florida 941
Pennsylvania 849

Maryland 688
Virginia 730
Ohio 477
Indiana 500
Tennessee 567
Iowa 539

Arizona 356

Below is the data, which can transpose on the 98% majority of states. Minnesota is a case of dumping in numbers of foreigners, with bad washing habits, and they contract and spread easy, so the state is burning like a house in almost every room.
In most other states though, you have the Coonland, Beanerland, Chowland, which burns. South Dakota though is picking up outlier hot spots in Sioux Indians, as New Mexico is on the rez. These are the welfare city states of sanctuary, and Los Angeles is going to be a death zone, just as the Beanerlands, Currylands, Chowlands and Coonlands of Texas are burning.

This poor orphan girl is going to remind all of you of something which can be found in archives. When I inquired months ago, the matrix stated that there were coming waves of this virus. That is now the norm of the expert conversation.
The matrix also stated that Indians would begin an infection rate in the first week of May, and this is holding true. The wave though that the matrix was indicating was building was a June wave on the Mexicans.

The matrix stated that this would affect the Midwest, which it began in, and that Texas and California would be the hot spots. I have waited a long time for indications of this, and the numbers are now rising. Mexico is not in bloom yet, but Brazil is starting as a world hot spot. The main point in this is, not about the Lame Cherry being right, but that this time I did plug into a time line which is the dominant time line.
Texas has not yet bloomed nor has California, but the hotbed of incubation is very much progressing these virus.

I may in private conversations, not here, but to the few, explain what I believe is taking place in this spread. This thinking virus is exceptional in design and knowledge. What this poor orphan girl though is showing you in this data is to prepare for what is coming yet. New York is not raging, but is hot as all Corona areas are. Italy is finally dropping after that spread, but still has hundreds of cases. That took 8 weeks to stop the inferno. Chicago is burning and Los Angeles is beginning as is Dallas. This virus is resisted in isolation, but it is finding a way to spread when resisted. It is thinking.

The Lame Cherry advice is this. Forget about travel this year. Do not enter these coofer city states. Stay the hell away from the coloureds and continue your regimens of keeping clean, not letting things in your homes which were on the thinking virus outside, and just enjoy Little House in the Prairie things. This virus is going to quit and disappear, but not in May. It patterns and it has logical

The simple version of this is, if you are a White person, and you see an area which you by instinct reject and say, "Goddamn you couldn't get me to live there", I guarantee that is where Coronavirus is and will be.
You already are not existing in those rat holes and you know what is being stated here.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
