Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Coronavirus Frees Paul Manafort

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In wonderful news, Paul Manafort has been liberated by the Coronavirus from the evil clutches of those in Obamaland who framed him and tried to assassinate him in prison.

President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been released from prison to serve the remainder of his sentence in home confinement because of concerns over the novel coronavirus, two sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.
Manafort was released from FCI Loretto in central Pennsylvania early Wednesday morning, the two sources said.
An attorney for Manafort confirmed he had been released to home confinement but declined to comment further.

Coronavirus continues to be the champion of thee American People and the MAGA force of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Now if the operational team which keeps on trying to infect President Trump and Vice President Pence were apprehended by the Department of Justice, as this group infected numbers of the Secret Service these past weeks, the world would begin righting itself.

Thank God Paul Manafort has been returned to the hearth of his home, for which the FBI ripped him from in strip searches with his elderly wife, in a most criminal act against any American.


Nuff Said
