Sunday, May 3, 2020

April 20th 2020 AD: The Day Hell Froze Over

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was absolutely astounded in hell froze over on April 20th, as for months now Americans have been deluged by the Rush Limbaugh types belittling people warning of the dangers of Coronavirus, by calling it the common cold, and to listen to Bill Cunningham, George Noory and Bill Mitchell, the mantra was "THE FLU IS WORSE" in the media is recording every Coronavirus death, and then when they no longer could poo poo tens of thousands of people dead, the new retort was, "Well these people were dying of heart attacks and other things". Yes but the heart attacks were caused by Coronavirus bloodclots.

This blog has documented the nuttiness of George Noory on Coast to Coast AM. If it was not Ian Punnett bitch slapping Americans for calling Chinese a bunch a liars, it was Noory nightly droning on about the flu was much worse.
Noory took to curb crawling as he was going nuts in lockdown, and sitting on empty patios where he once dined, with the real bizarre event of he phoned up the St. Louis Dispatch, berated them for reporting how severe Coronavirus was, and lectured them again, THE FLU KILLS MORE PEOPLE.

Well a little problem happened on April 20th, as George Noory and these others had been misquoting statistics on the common flu. See they picked the high number of around 60,000 dead, but the fact is the CDC only ESTIMATES how many people die in America and around the world, as there is not any statistical data to get an absolute reading. The CDC estimated that anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 people died in the past ten years, with the death rate up and down from low to high in estimates.

The problem for George Noory was that the death rate in April 20th, went past 60,000 dead in the United States, so there was no more cover for Noory to say that the flu was worse, as Coronavirus is worse and according to American daily averages, the dead each day, (Not all Americans as foreigners are being counted in the United States) has been hovering around 2300 cases.

America's cases have dropped from almost 3000 a day, but in monitoring the global Corona death toll what really takes place with this virus is not what the CDC or WHO has stated takes place, instead what will occur in the United States will follow what has been taking place in Europe.

Coronavirus infects, and then produced a spread of 50 to 100 cases for weeks. There is then a sudden rise to several hundred for a few weeks, and then comes the "peak" which you have heard. In the United States this was in the 2000 to 3000 people dead per day for several weeks. If you look at the data that rate is dropping to the low 2000's now. If you review the 1500 dead per day at the French high, they are now around 800 cases. Italy which had the like daily death of 1500 as dropped to 325 deaths per day.
That is the plateau, and as a Lame Cherry exclusive, there are a series of PLATEAUS with Coronavirus, as it keeps killing people. There is the peak plateau, the retrograde plateau, and then a leveling plateau. America will be facing 1500 dead per day for a number of weeks, and if infections go back up as Spain is rising, then with a Mexican wave, the dead in America will spike again, as California is getting very hot with the Mexican and Negroid strains of this virus.

Coronavirus Cases:




 United States

Coronavirus Cases:




We do not know yet in the coming waves for the United States, because there could be millions of dead Mexicans and Blacks before this summer is over. If Chloroquine is utilized before people are toe tag as Governor Noem did in South Dakota, the Mexican death rate drops to the low stats of .5%

Taking the Mexican pandemic out, the United States should project to around 100,000 cases. It will be higher if heat does not affect the virus, and it will be higher as the push to open up America is going to kill tens of thousands of more people.

This Coronavirus though from the infection poitn of March when it's season began, has in two months killed over 63,000 people. It will be closer to 65,000 when May 1st appears. In literally 1/4 of the time, Coronavirus Wuhan, the biological weapon has killed 4 times the people. For all of the ridiculing of the models, the models were correct in there should be 240,000 dead in a full season, and if the President had not acted when he did, there could have been the projected 2 million dead, as the United States had 1 million cases in this short period of time confirmed which had people sick enough to be tested.

The reality in this though is George Noory did not apologize. All of these blow hards will have amnesia in how they endangered their audiences and got them killed, because they did not stock up on supplies or they caught Coronavirus and died, after having this all dismissed.

Even the thread I was watching has gone silent in all of the blow hards there spewing the Noory Limbaugh lines of this not being serious. These people have damaged America, and continue to damage America and endanger Americans as the fact is, once America is opened up, it will be idiots who think this is over sa they are too dense to differentiate.
We were in town doing errands as I stopped for gas yesterday, and got some in spare takes for the tractor and chainsaw, and being preoccupied with the damned rubber gloves and not touching my face, I forgot to put gas in the pick up. So on that errands, I watched in horror today as the city was filled with people from across the state line where the pandemic is raging. The parking lot to the grocery was jammed full. A greenhouse at the farm supply had so many geezers, I thought it was a nursing home with all the masks on. It is these idiots who are going to reignite this virus across America, and the reason we chose town this week, was the peak is coming in a few weeks here, so we are stocking up again for another month, as I honestly have had enough of people for the rest of the summer, along with latex gloves and masks.

Hell has frozen over with George Noory being proven wrong AGAIN, just like all these mic heads. From what I have witnessed, these fuckard liberals who screwed up their states and metros, are now pouring into "safe "rural areas as they try to save themselves and are bringing the virus with them.

I saw one old codger talking to another codger in the parking lot. His mask down on his chin. No gloves on, so his grubby shit stained hands were on this mask, and on his face, and smearing it all over his face. These people are walking Darwin candidates and it is because the Pied Piper George Noory and his mic heads who have been manipulating them for years, do not have them thinking one thought, except how glam they can make their masks to wear in public to model.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

