Sunday, May 3, 2020

What was really behind the framing of Michael Flynn

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the FBI now exposed by President Donald Trump as having 'dirty cops', in the Michael Flynn case, something of a question occurred to the Lame Cherry, in what on earth did all these people destroy themselves over in framing Michael Flynn?

Let's face it, in Donald Trump has fired about everyone on his staff, and he would have fired Michael Flynn by now.  I desire you to examine something Kellyanne Conway related in Birther Hussein brought up two people that Donald Trump had to watch, one was Kim Jong Un and the other was Michael Flynn.
For the wrap on General Flynn, his great crime in Obamaville was saying that Muslim terrorists are not to be trusted, and Flynn was speaking about a necessary audit of the intelligence community. Not hardly anything that Donald Trump was not saying himself.

I hope you caught that in Trump was saying the same things Michael Flynn was. Obama knew this and Obama was out to get Flynn. Do not though get focused on what Obama was saying, because Obama is a rat fink liar. This blog is going to explain this, but Obama was laying a diversion for the President. Sure Obama wanted Flynn destroyed for Obama reasons, but this is about something completely different. The FBI is not going to destroy Michael Flynn over Obama, the paper suit. FBI political minders are not going to destroy Michael Flynn for Obama, as there is not any benefit for them, as the paper suit is not going to reward them as he is not President.

Kellyanne Conway:  he continued doing that bidding after President Trump was elected and into our first days here at the White House.  Look, if Peter Strzok had something important to say about General Flynn, let’s just say he was an existential threat  or a real national security threat, he could have come forward and said that.  This isn’t the purpose of this inquisition of Michael Flynn.  You see the notes, you see them saying, “Don’t end crossfire razor.”  Keep it going. Why? To harass and embarrass a general who had served with distinction over three decades.  I will remind everybody that President Obama told President-elect Donald Trump he had two things to worry about, North Korea and Michael Flynn!  Folks that’s just weird on its face!  You gotta worry about a nuclear capable dictator in North Korea and you gotta worry about a general of 37 years who served in the Obama administration.  People should look at this for what it is.  Taxpayers funded this nonsense.

For those who have read this blog, I have stated that Robert Mueller was not looking to nail Donald Trump, but was looking to see who knew the identity of a Missing Link. When this blog printed that, and Jerome Corsi's discovery was about to uncover who this person was that was managing Russiagate, Robert Mueller shut down his entire investigation. The identity of that person was to be protected.

Remember, when this all started, it was a group of liberals who did not want Hillary Clinton to be President, and that is where Julian Assange, Chuck Manning and Edward Snowden appeared working for an intelligence Control. There was an operation involved in this from the intelligence community, they sent out false leads, and they were promoting Donald Trump to be President as Hillary Clinton was going to be stopped.
The person directing this, is who Robert Mueller was protecting.

This was bigger than protecting the Missing Link as people on the inside knew who this person was.

Move back though to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and the dirty cops.  They were moving to either nail Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI or setting him to entrap Michael Flynn as a Russian spy.

Remember the talking points which Kurt Eichenwald and Evelyn Farkas were spewing, that Donald Trump was a Russian agent. It was ludicrous, but where was all of this coming from, as there was a theme in this, of Michael Flynn to all the targets were thought to be Russian agents.
None of these people were Russian agents. Remember that.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Tarda Justia Nullus Justia

1. Question 1, should be frame Michael Flynn.
2. Question 2, should be entrap Michael Flynn.
3. Question 2, in playing this criminal subterfuge, how do we protect the FBI.

Without beating around the bush, the Lame Cherry is about to reveal something, in the Missing Link is an intelligence operative. We know that John Brennan and James Clapper were intelligence agents. We know that John McCain was an intelligence asset leaking to the FBI his version of the Pissgate files. We know that Brennan and McCain were investing a great deal of effort to create an illusion that Michael Flynn was a Russian asset as many of the Trump people.
Do you see the obvious projection? Obama's Peter Strzok was a counter intelligence officer. He was supposed to be hunting spies, Russian spies, and was hunting Russian spies, when he was not clearing Hillary Clinton of being involved with Russian spies in selling American uranium, just as Bush family brought in a fortune in selling Americans Russian converted nuclear bomb material for atomic power plants.

How do you protect a Russian spy? You make a dozen Russian spies to clutter the field who are not spies.

This was more than protecting the Obama agenda from being MAGA by Donald Trump. There is something in this so nefarious that the dirty cops behind this, were ordered to burn themselves, and they thought they had cover from the heights of power to engage in these criminal framings, as in Michael Flynn.

As the pieces of this come together, there was an international Marxist who was in thee American government, who was so powerful, that they had overthrown the system. The leftists had the Mosaad as their horse and the Control was allied with Shin Bet as their horse running this exposure of the mole.
This was about Russian money laundering, uranium control, and about June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, in what happened to the mole, a story so big it would bring down the government. That is what was being protected in the entire ring involved.

The image Obama wanted Trump thinking Michael Flynn, because Obama's folks in intelligence already had plans on framing the General, which was going to tie everything up, knock Trump off his MAGA and keep the fraud of how Obama stole 2 elections with Bush, Romney and McCain assisting.

This is how this comes full circle and what is really taking place is never going to be made public. Thee insurance policy was not about getting Donald Trump. It was about protecting the spy ring.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff said
