Monday, May 4, 2020

Burning the Plague

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Trump response to the plague from Wuhan has been successful. It has trimmed 9/10ths of the expected dead, and will leave around 130,000 dead of American and foreign extraction. That is of course if the Mexican wave and Black wave rises to where it can, then we have a different set of numbers.

I heard that idiot Buck Sexton say the models were all wrong. Maybe for a CIA drop out, but the reality is the models have been spot on. The President and Americans have been astute in slowing the spread, but now that it has slowed, the day has come to open up America again, and infect another wave of tens of millions.
America has half the active cases in the world which are reported. For the first time on Friday, the numbers of dead, dropped below 2000. This should plateau around 1500,  for weeks to come, unless of course the dead Mexicans and Blacks start advancing.
Governor Noem of South Dakota has an interesting paradigm building in Mexicans are beginning to die. There is always a silver lining in every storm.

80% of  Americans will get this biological weapon, That is the projection and opening America up will produce that projection. This was never about protecting people from getting Coronavirus, but simply about spreading out the cases so the hospitals would not meltdown.
I consider this burn through a most sinful and not Christian policy. I am against opening up the country, but the kill shot will take place, and having experienced several of these virus, I'm not fond of feeling Wuhan for the duration.

This blog projects that the second wave will kill more people than the first wave, because people seeing the President jetting around the country and GOP Governors preaching open infection is going to have the Darwin Candidates killing themselves and others.

The democrat governors have their own agenda.

No on has asked what kind of trapping Gov. Whitmer is doing in Michigan?

Logic would indicate that this Governor if she was interested in protecting people, would concentrate as Governor Noem did in South Dakota, in focusing on hot spots and leaving the country people at peace. You see the same one ruling fits all in Minnesota. So why is she focused on counties SHE DID NOT WIN?
The biographer of the Obama 2008 election theft, Mark Halprin, made a statement one day on PBS during the gulf oil spill, that Obama didn't care about those states, any more he did the states that were flooded out that summer, because those people did not vote for him.

The media schools what liberals are engaged in, as there is a constant posting of people "not gonna do what they tell me". So Whitmer is going out of her way to use coronavirus to politically beat up and wear down people she detests in the rural folk. It is retaliation and it is the fact these people will never vote for her. Coronavirus is a cover to train people who will not be trained, and the reality is, liberals accuse people on the right of wanting them to catch this flu and die, but the fact is liberals are hoping that if they push people on the right enough in regulations, that the people on the right will do stupid things and catch this virus, spread it, and kill a pile of other people on the right.
If Governor Whitmer was interested in saving lives, she would be saving Black lives, as that is who is dying in mass in Michigan in that state has been a hot zone, since Washington state was.
Whitmer is shrewd. She is getting exactly what she wants, and there is a further point, I will make based on Minnesota, as I was speaking with a person in South Dakota a few days ago. He was FURIOUS at Minnesotans. The point in this is, western Minnesota has destroyed it's industry and commerce base due to their voting for liberals and the Twin Cities ruling. So the Metro hauls in all these Mexicans and foreigners who are now spreading the plague. So where are the people of Minnesota shopping? They are going to South and North Dakota, infuriating those peoples, as they are dragging the plague with them. This plague creep is happening all over America, in states and across state lines. The metro dwellers are going to the burbs and farther out in the county to shop. If a state has low plague numbers, the high plague number states are crossing like rats for safety.
What I was told was there were more Minnesotans in the border towns than locals. The parking lots were full and it looked like a bank robber convention as they all had masks on. The problem was, they had masks on, but few had gloves, so after touching grubby shopping carts, they were pulling down their masks and putting that on their faces.

I would assume in Michigan that the Governor is tracking all of the protestors who gathered, have their cell phones, and dimes to dollars, there is a list somewhere and they are listed as terrorists.

We are dealing with the most democratic of plagues. Are all of you fools enough to think that people are really protesting across America to go back to work and catch the virus?
You are being trolled for the Coronavirus.

I did speak to a guy who already in frustration said, "You know, I think people are just going to say "Fuck it" after a bit longer and let the chips fall where they may, and just die".

That is where this graveside lesson is going. We are all lemmings being herded over the cliff. At this point, it is difficult how the President is not going to be blamed for this as he jets around America and people start dropping like flies.
You do not catch Coronavirus through the air. It is a surface from skin to shopping cart virus, unless someone ejaculates sperm into you.

As people focus on Sweden, the real story is Saudi Arabia, the Jewish State, the Germans and Japan have a high infection rate, but a low death rate.

You can wonder why that is.
