Monday, May 4, 2020

The New American Majority

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Above is AOC and Omar the Muslim Brother Humper.

Below is you, Chuck Norris.

That is WASP, White Anglo Saxon Protestant, Armed and Dangerous.

This is what happens when White's become the minority in their own country and the non Protestants seize control over the political voting.

This is what you look like.

That is BAVA, Blacks Are Voting Again.

This is what happens when BAVA meets AOC and Islamocommunists in becoming a minority in America like White's are becoming a minority.

This is what happens in America, when the AOC and other tan skins, get the majority vote, and start voting lands from America and giving it back to Indians or Mexicans.

This is what HAW look like.

That is Hot American Women, look like in BAVA.

Now you are Kayne and Donald, and you are going to be minorities in America, so what do you think the majority is going to vote for? Do you think Muslims, Hindus and Jesuits are going to be voting for Social Security for a bunch of baby boomer Black and White, or voting to cut your geezer selves off from Social Security, Medicare......and who knows what they will be voting for in 2030 when you are Virginia disarmed and in your geezer chairs, not able to run for your lives.

Yes just like in Africa, the new American majority will be voting to send Texas and California back to Mexico, and voting to send Blacks back to Africa and Whites back to Europe as they seize all your property.

This is what is coming. They have told you this is coming. These foreigners are going to legally throw you out of your country and legally vote to steal everything you have. You are going to be the new Kenyans, Rhodesians and South Africans.


Nuff Said
