Friday, May 22, 2020

CDC is Lying on Corona Surface Spread

BREAKING REPORT: CDC Says Coronavirus ‘Does Not Spread Easily Via Contaminated Surfaces’  hannity

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The CDC as championed by FOX propaganda is telling you that Coronavirus does not live easily on surfaces and you are not contracting it off of things. THAT IS A LIE.

Read the Newsmax article in how viruses live and how long they live on surfaces. Coronavirus is no different, except more weaponized. Viruses live in cardboard for DAYS. So just remember what the Lame Cherry warned you of, in they shunted his virus and now they are spreading this virus to get as many people sick with it in the summer months, to burn through the population. This is deliberate and a betrayal of Americans.

They opened up America, and from the idiots in the brier patch, who flocked to Mexican eateries, there is going to be a surge, because other idiots are contracting it, by employing dirty Mexicans or other ethnic spreaders, and this is going to get into categories of infernos in rural areas in the next weeks.

THIS BLOG IS WARNING YOU OF SOMETHING, which I noticed as we went to town to gather supplies, and talked to the frozen foods guy who was venting as his daughter's boyfriend got exposed to the virus, and had been to their home for a party........yes a party, violating social gathering.

There was a pile of Johnsonvill Brats. I stopped as I like them. They were a little over 3 dollars, and then I got to looking at another pile of generic packaged brats out of Sauk Center Minnesota. I thought, "What the hell is that stuff doing here?"
The Holy Ghost did a calculation and I know what he hell is going on, and this is your warning for mystery meats.

Areas like Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nebrasak ,South Dakota, Pennsylvania are being rocked by Coronavirus in poultry and hog butchering plants. Minnesota if you look at their map is turning into one entire hot zone, because they imported so Goddamn many foreigners into that state and shoved Whites out. Those Johnsonvilles are from a coofer plant. To give you and idea of what goes into hotdogs, sausage, bologna and processed meat, it comes off the FLOOR SWEEPINGS and the meat saw pile of bone slush and meat sludge. Unless you are getting your product from a small shop, you are going to get things you do not want to know where that meat has been.

These two "deals" in our store, along with all the other deals are from plants where Coronavirus was. The locals in Minnesota know not to buy that shit, so that shit is sitting there, and it finally goes to the DISTRIBUTORS of the chain groceries like Spartan out of Ohio. who know this shit is not going to sell to anyone who is wise to the coof, so they ship it across country to areas where people are not aware of the meat coof associated with these products. They knock off a few bucks on the Johnsonvilles and give people a great deal, and the dolts buy it, never thinking, "Wow in billions of virus germs coming out of a Mexican's shitty ass, I wonder how much of that is in my brat on the grill?"

The Lame Cherry is warning all of you, "DO NOT BUY ANY OF THIS PROCESSED FOOD" or any of this other coofer meat until this gets flushed out of the system. I had hoped in the record sales of meat going to China that this stuff would be gone, but it is not gone, it is showing up in cross country shipping and the CDC just came out at the same time, telling you a Goddamned lie, that you can not catch Coronavirus off of surfaces. Surfaces is where you get this damned virus, and I am not going to trust opening package with freshly chilled Coronavirus in the meat, which will keep for months and trust that meat splash or grilling splash is not going to get on me again and give me another round of this biological weapon".

I watch all of this clever marketing. Clever things like we were lied to in we could not get bacon ends here for years. Then suddenly China stopped getting imports and boxes of bacon ends appeared in the brier at affordable prices.
 See the Chinese were buying those bacon ends cheap, grinding them into some Walmart shit and selling it back to Americans. China has been getting all the best meat, fruit and everything while Americans in the hinterlands have gotten the shit, and the coof shit is coming to your store, and you had better be damned sure you do not buy any markdowns or get suckered into trusting these coofer slaughter plants are safe.

The plants can be cleaned with plutonium, but the same two legged foreigners are spreading shit off their hands into that "sterile" facility, the moment they coof into the place.

Coronavirus was designed to spread more easily, contract more readily and stay alive outside the human for longer periods of time, as it lives in shit balls on your shopping carts.

Do not be suckered by the propaganda.

Keep taking the supplements in selenium and other minerals, keep clean, stay isolated, and remember chloroquine with zinc, or ivomec with doxycycline early if you get this. Ride this out until August as Trump is going to be force jabbing geezers, foreigners and the military in September to give the illusion all is safe for the elections, and once he is premier again, he will force everyone else he can by hook and crook to make it pay for the pharm conglomerates. By that time, it should have run it's course, and you probably can slip through, as other worse things will have happened and worse is coming to the world, which will occupy the police state.

In closing, if Coronavirus is not spread easily through surfaces.........then have Sean Hannity with Anthony Fauci do an hour long program, of going out and licking shopping carts, door handles, grocery counters, bed hand rails and slaugherhouse toilets of locations where Coronavirus is rampant.

Prove to me that Coronavirus is not contracted off of those surfaces. That's all. Prove it to me.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
