Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Chinese Reparations for the World

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the tourists have once again caught up the Lame Cherry, which stated that Chinese reparations over Coronavirus Wuhan, would be a matter for the world to collect in:

Chinese Gold
Chinese owned American Debt
Chinese goods in Warehouses

The world begins to "social distance" itself from China in the wake of the pandemic   legalins 

Why China must pay.   specuk
A reality must set in, in how does the world make a 1.4 billion population, nuclear and proven biological weapons pariah state pay?

President Donald Trump has begun the process astutely by creating OPEC PLUS, in joining America and Russia with the interest of stability in the oil market. Peoples who have common interests in trillions of dollars, tend to not shoot at each other or employ others to disrupt the market against each other, especially as Russia is now suffering under Chinese flu and Russia comprehends, it is being weakened and China could by Chinamen migrating into Russia, take the entire nation over.

Russia's interest and protections now lay in the West over Coronavirus.

It goes back to the question though with even Russia as a pragmatist in this, how does the world make China pay?

Does the world employ a Chinese Excise tax on all Chinese trade, until China replays 80 trillion dollars in financial losses? That is what America, England and France did to Germany after World War I, and bankrupting a people solves nothing, but creates more problems.

So China is to pay 80 trillion dollars to the world, for the next 100 years, but in knowing that this tariff would make Chinese goods too expensive, China trade would cease. China could not pay a debt like this and maintain any form of a global enterprise or a standard of living for her 1.4 billion human rats.

China has nowhere near the gold for a debt which it owes the world. It has nowhere near the owned American debt, no more than it has enough goods to barter with the world.

Chinese debt are a reparations which can not be paid with funds, as the fact is China is population imploding by 2050 AD in the year of our Lord. It has not enough raw resources, so it is a cancer on the world. China is a disease which simply becomes more threatening each day, and each day it becomes something the world wants less to do with.

China could be removed from the United Nations, as it should in the Security Council seat which it was handed. That seat should be divided between India and Brazil, while China is placed in it's proper position with other states not voting on the security of the world.
Does the UN have the votes to remove China? Yes it does, even with the propaganda which the United States is losing in that battle, as China is telling radical Islam that this Coronavirus was a United States weapon, to cover up China's first strike biological weapon it intended to unleash in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

Removing China from the Security Council would be fitting retribution, but once again it does nothing for the debt that China has produced for the world, forcing global depression.

Let us be frank in this, in reviewing that China was producing a global first strike biological weapon to genocide America, and that weapon was countered by a Mirror virus released in China, to set back the Chinese warfare program.
China responded by spreading this virus, which did come from a deep state arsenal which the United States proper had no idea was created and stored by the same depth which has been creating coups against Donald Trump. The glaring reality is Barack Hussein Obama, sent millions of dollars, sanctioned a Harvard biological weapon expert to build the Wuhan bioweapons lab where all of this started. China was experimenting on infected piglets which were fed alive to cannibal hogs, when all of this virus erupted. It is the reality though that China would not have been Wuhan as Dean Koontz predicted in his insider writings, if George HW Bush had not started dumping western money into China for this group's profits by raising China from the paddy to the industrial smokestack.

China was then in the Clinton era given top secret technology in "failed" missile launches and the sanctioned moving of US, Japanese and Russian factories and goods into China.

George W. Bush was little better in having a spy plane captured with US high tech and then paying the Chinese a bribe to end it.

Bowing Birther Obama transferred more technology to his favorite dictatorship, including a Stealth helicopter for bin Laden's corpse in the fraud killing of bin Laden in Pakistan.

As the tourists have noted, the west created China and is responsible for this pandemic as China is.

Bombshell: U.S. Intel Says Obama Gave Millions Of Dollars To Wuhan Lab That Produced Coronavirus   thepoliticalinsider 

We funded Red China's world dominance   donsurber 

This is where the reality is in this, that these western traitors have made huge profits off of Chinese plundering American jobs and resources. It is said that over 20 trillion dollars was stolen from the US Treasury in the past decades. None of this money has disappeared, and is all in bank accounts numbering in the trillions of dollars as the United States was plundered on 9 11 and the 2008 Obama Economic bust that installed that foreign fraud.
There is the reality of the American 1% and 5%. Those nation rapists who from Warren Buffett to Rush Limbaugh have stolen the worked for earnings of Americans and concentrated them into their coffers. The point in all of this is, there was and is a symbiotic relationship between China and these western Carnivore Capitalists, and where China does not have the money to pay back the world, names like Rothschild and Rockefeller have their plunder in vast stores.

This is why this blog demands in Chinese Reparations, that the trillions looted from America be completely restored by force. The 1% will have 99% of their stolen wealth confiscated and the 5% will have 75% of their stolen wealth confiscated. When it comes to billions and hundreds of millions, the fact is, these rich will have still millions in none of them are going to go hungry or homeless.

So the reality in this is, China is ordered off the UN Security Council. China is brought before a Nuremburg Court of Reparations, where all of Chinese gold, assets, debt ownership and warehouse goods is forfeited to the West.
In the West, all of these nation rapists are divest of the majority of their ill gotten plunder, and the large secret bank accounts are seized.

All of these assets are then returned to lesser nations "at cost" of this pandemic, and for peoples as Americans, Russians, Europeans and British, these reparations are directly divided up to each Citizen, not illegals, squatters or foreigners, but the Citizen who has right to this reparation.

Returning these funds, will end the global depression, and start an economic expansion, whereby all nations will be mandated to maintain a national stockpile of food and manufacturing of necessary goods. India will become in the Asian Crescent from that nation to Vietnam to United Korea to Japan the manufacturing center, while the west will manage financial and technology for a balance of trade.

This is the only solution, but just as in the original premise, there is not any way China will comply to the terms, as it means the end of China. The world will have to make war with China. It would be best of Russia were part of this alliance to make the destruction swift and complete, so that a new Christian Order would guide the earth to a cooperative peace, and a managing of China without weapons of mass destruction.
The cartel is not going to give up their looted trillions, but there are few of them than the mob, and they would offer up, along with the 1 and 5 percent to save themselves. Those revenues would fully fund the war of necessity with China, as that is what this is now. Either the world kills China to it not ever being able to raise itself up in dangerous technology or China will kill the world and initiate by 2025 a new Dark Ages which will last 1000 years, if not forever.

Those are the facts, in once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Compose April 18th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said
