Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Core of Coronavirus


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has endeavored to teach you in this plague the things which microbiologists and organic chemists are experts in so that you will understand and not be duped into thinking that Bill Gates injecting you with things is the answer. I don't want even the brats railroaded, even if they deserve it in non donations, because understanding is the key to surviving for the majority of us.

I'm going to start this by stating that a Coronavirus is no different than a chocolate chip cookie or a car. In organic chemistry, everything is made of something, in the same basic molecular chains and when you assemble the carbon, you get a human body or a tube of grease.
Everything has parts and if you assemble those parts, you get a cell or a virus, a bacteria, spore, prion, fungus, mold or algae. Those are the basic components of life and death, and in the electro chemical machines which we are, it is fantastic the stuff God made, as iron in life if it conks you on the head, it hurts you, but in a cell, iron makes blood red, and it has things which it gives like oxygen and electrons, which makes you come alive with amino acids.
It is a miracle of life, but if deprived it brings death, and in this the Lame Cherry is going to focus on how depriving Coronavirus of things kills it, because if you deprive a virus, even a biological weapons of something it needs, it will die.
You just happen to have something this virus was designed to want in sugars and cells for reproduction, but that is what Chloroquine does. It changes the PH in the cell so the virus says "This is not a place I can live". It then cuts off the sugars it feeds on (this is a multi life form not just a virus) so the virus says, "I'm starving, so I can't reproduce" and then Chloroquine opens the door on a cell membrane so zinc enters the cell, and the zinc kills the virus.

Maggie shared with me some questions the other day, and I'm going to use the base of the note to go on from here, as the content was too valuable and poignant as a teaching aid, as it is asking the questions which need to be asked. It also introduces the word you were wondering what it is in Spirochaetes, or SPIRO KITES, which is close enough to sound like you know what you are talking about like poor orphan girls.

Spiros are easy as just think of them as corkscrew bacteria. They also are a breed of bacteria which is some of the worst stuff ever produced, as leptospira is a bacteria which gets into cattle wombs and causes them to abort. In Lyme we know what that bioweapon gem does and in syphilis, it drives people insane.
They are nasty and they are in HIV and were spliced in by design.

Many organisms within the Spirochaetes phylum cause prevalent diseases. Pathogenic members of this phylum include the following:

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Propaganda Against Hydrosychloroquine

The HIV is where this all begins with Coronavirus as this bioweapon, was designed, using the genius of thee original American model which created a viral agent which thinned queers out, and appeared in Coronavirus Wuhan, as the splice which shut down the immune system of the infected by crippling the white blood cells which then went gung ho in attacking the toxic soup in the lungs and other areas of the body, once the tuberculosis got into the aveoli .

The story of Coronavirus though begins in the HIV, and the HIV begins with the spiros as the one of the prongs that makes Wuhan one nasty red blooded mammal infector and human killer.

Physicians treating corona discovered oxygen deprivation. Which is an issue with certain Lyme coinfections. The ventilators were killing people. Giving oxygen saved them. The question: the corono & spiro are very different. With an HIV spiro insertion into corona, is this why treatment requires anti-malarial drugs and anti-bacterial? If so, would the oxygen enriched environment of a hyperbaric chamber kill the spiro and the Plaquenil kill the corona? Other than the Fauci/Gates connection to Gilead, what is Remdesivir supposed to do? IV Rocephin is front line treatment for Lyme-crossing blood brain barrier. Levaquin another. Azithromycin was a supplemental pill form antibacterial. Is the issue to kill two different entities? There are now some 50 strains of Lyme. What do you think is the dominant component? Could it be lethal strains of Lyme? And this is not being researched? Curiously, Russia had advanced treatment for Lyme. IV vit c is also used. IV gamma globulin for later treatment of neuro and mitochondrial issues. It was uncommon, but stroke, severe neuro muscular issues after the big blast first treatment to decrease viral load.

In Lyme disease, as a biological weapon, which was created so ticks would be weaponized to spread a long term death over battlefields and supporting populations of the war effort. The dominant component of Lyme is Lyme imbeds in the connective tissues equally to rheumatoid arthritis.

One must understand in the world of virus, there are like symptoms from Candida and Tuberculosis, which are fungus, that feed on sugars, and produce toxins or poisons to the body, which mimic auto immune or produce auto immune disease, as HIV does. Again, the virus, at it's extension has the spiro, the corkscrew bacteria and it was placed there by design.

When one is human and making a biological weapon, the human chooses the worst arsenal that nature has created, and corkscrew  are where the scourge is.
That is the main component of Lyme and where it attacks is what makes it a like component to all of these joint grouped diseases of the modern biological era.

As I posted previously in Corona Blood, the answers to all of this lays in the blood and the two structures of the human body. The human body is built on GLYCOPROTEINS which are sugars.

There are two groups in the glycoproteins are in the cell walls. Their counterpart is the proteoglycans which are in the body's connective tissues. In Lyme, this is where the bacteria hide and the body reacts with swelling. In Coronavirus, the virus centers on the ACE2 proteins, which are in the body organs as the lungs and testicles. The lungs are most affected, because of the HIV suppression and the tuberculosis breaking down the lung aveoli.

Glycoproteins are found on the cell membrane walls. Their counterpart in Proteoglycans are in the connective tissues. Both trigger autoimmune response, the latter in rheumatoid arthritis.

This comes to the antigens, the proteins, which are glycoproteins. The human body has two types, one is on the surface of red blood cells, and the other is on the connective tissues. All of these auto immune diseases attack these protections and inflame them.

Proteins to which carbohydrates are covalently bound through glycosidic bonds are called glycoproteins. Glycoproteins are commonly found in the body and are an important part of the membranes and Golgi apparatus in cells. In addition, they also serve as the cellular recognition molecules such as receptors, adhesion molecules, etc. The two types of glycosylation are; N-glycosylation and O-glycosylation. The principle carbohydrates in human glycoproteins are glucose, mannose, fucose, acetylgalactosamine, acetylglucosamine, acetyleuraminic acid, and xylose. Some hormones are also considered as glycoproteins, for example; FSH, LH, TSH, EPO etc.

Proteoglycans composed of a protein core with one or more covalently attached glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains. Proteoglycans are found in connective tissues, and they contribute to the organization and the physical properties of the extracellular matrix. Based on the nature of the glycosaminoglycan chain, proteoglycans can be divided into several categories, including; chondroitin sulfate/ demean sulfate, heparin sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and keratan sulfate. Proteoglycans can also be divided based on their size as small and large proteoglycans.

As Maggie wisely noted, that these bioweapons, die in oxygen rich environment. It reveals why Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of England when in hospital was not put on a ventilator, but instead was placed on oxygen when his life hung in the balance. The ventilators will not supply the necessary oxygen to kill the corkscrew bacteria.
Now the English physicians knew this, and yet that revelation of what oxygen was accomplishing was not shared with the world.  People are not being treated with the best methods. Chloroquine, zinc and oxygen, with the most important detail is not waiting for the lethal strains to incubate and kill the victum.

What I believe is behind the dormancy of Coronavirus, deals with the spores of the tuberculosis. There was a case of a biological disaster in the Soviet Union, where a bioweapons plant, producing anthrax blew up, and the bacteria spores infected a nearby village. The infections came in waves, just like Coronavirus. There were people getting sick and dying months later, when their body's resistance was finally worn down. As long as they were healthy, the spores were dormant.

What is unique about Coronavirus is it is as Dr. Mikovits explained, in it was built to trigger other vaccines which people have. That is why there are differing symptoms. Corona is not the disease, and that is why it is called COVID 19 which is the disease.
Corona Wuhan is more than this though, as it is a triple barrel gun in the lethal strains. The Bat SARS is the train that comes into the cell depot, where it starts replicating, as the HIV shuts down the immune system as the spiro bacteria embeds, to which the tuberculosis begins disintegrating lung tissue, and in that toxic rot, the white blood cells activate in recognizing this is something foreign, but like the joint and organ trouble with Lyme, the white blood cells begin attacking the lung tissue and kill the person.
In the end, the body's own immune system is weaponized by this bioweapon, to kill the person.

Lyme thrives in anerobic environment. Like corona, early treatment essential. What causes the long incubation period in corona? Lyme infected people could also have it for years -undiagnosed. Is corona the contagion and HIV/Lyme the killer?

That is what is the center or Corona Wuhan. It is viral, fungal and bacterial. It is the ultimate triad weapon, but being so diverse, it is also weak, and that is why Chloroquine and zinc and Ivomec, and other drugs are working, because this virus runs on a complex association of the three. Cancer is the perfect weapon as it is a viral bacteria platform which was hard to counter. Corona has three legs and taking one leg away, the entire virus collapses.

Chloroquine stops what this virus feeds on in sugars and it dies. Ivomec stops the proteins where the virus lives and it dies.

The addition of the spiral bacteria in the HIV was brilliant, but the only logical choice as these bacteria are notorious in nature. They are the ultimate weapon in bacteria.

They have an Achilles Heel though, in order to survive, they require chemotrophy or something to breathe for them.
 Remember what this began with in the building blocks of life in a cell? Iron makes blood red, but iron in cells gives up an electron to breathe to life this biological weapon. Coronavirus like Lyme needs an anti oxygen to live. That is why Boris Johnson being given oxygen was assisting in killing the corkscrew bacteria, as it dies in oxygen. Oxygen kills spiro bacterias.

Iron- and manganese-oxidizing bacteria

In the deep oceans, iron-oxidizing bacteria derive their energy needs by oxidizing ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+). The electron conserved from this reaction reduces the respiratory chain and can be thus used in the synthesis of ATP by forward electron transport or NADH by reverse electron transport, replacing or augmenting traditional phototrophism

A spirochaete (/ˈsprˌkt/) or spirochete.

Spirochaetes are chemoheterotrophic in nature.
Spirochaetes are distinguished from other bacterial phyla by the location of their flagella, sometimes called axial filaments, which run lengthwise between the bacterial inner membrane and outer membrane in periplasmic space. These cause a twisting motion which allows the spirochaete to move about.
Most spirochaetes are free-living and anaerobic, but there are numerous exceptions. Spirochaetes bacteria are diverse in their pathogenic capacity and the ecological niches that they inhabit, as well as molecular characteristics including guanine-cytosine content and genome size

Spiros are anaerobic, or they can live without oxygen, and in Coronavirus oxygen kills the spiros. As long as something else though is breathing for it, or providing that iron electron, it thrives. Stop that process and Coronavirus is dead, as the spiro powers the HIV, and without that power the HIV dies, and when the HIV dies, Coronavirus dies, as the immune system is not suppressed, and when not suppressed, the white blood cells build a defense to the Bat SARS, and when the Bat SARS is DOA, the tuberculosis can not be released to ravage the lung tissue.

In connection to the above, there is the reality of one of the earliest treatments for the corkscrew bacteria. It was arsphenamine, a derivative of the organic arsenic poison. This drug was discovered in 1910 to cure syphilis, and it was not until the modern age, that what compound 606 was doing to cure people of syphilis.

What 606 was accomplishing was releasing an oxidised species, as oxygen orientation being the key in what was killing the bacteria. Instead of feeding spiro, it was killing it.

Arsphenamine, also known as Salvarsan or compound 606, is a drug that was introduced at the beginning of the 1910s as the first effective treatment for syphilis, and was also used to treat African trypanosomiasis. This organoarsenic compound was the first modern chemotherapeutic agent

Salvarsan was found to actually contain a mixture of cyclo-(RAs)3 and cyclo-(RAs)5 species, where R is the 3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl moiety. According to Nicholson, these cyclic species slowly release an oxidised species, RAs(OH)2, that is likely responsible for Salvarsan's antisyphilis properties

Dr. Mikovits states she could make a Coronavirus vaccine, based on an interferon cocktail. Interferon would be white blood cells from the human body. The problem though is the sleeper or dormant spores which are part of the biological weapons of Lyme and Coronavirus Wuhan.
With Lyme, it is interesting that as in syphilis, a toxic agent met with results, as much as waves of antibiotics for the bacteria. Corona though is viral based and antibiotics would not affect the virus.

In addi­tion to iden­ti­fying the pres­ence of these per­sister cells, Lewis' team also pre­sented two methods for wiping out the infection--both of which were suc­cessful in lab tests. One involved an anti-cancer agent called Mit­o­mycin C, which com­pletely erad­i­cated all cul­tures of the bac­terium in one fell swoop. How­ever, Lewis stressed that, given Mit­o­mycin C's tox­i­city, it isn't a rec­om­mended option for treating Lyme dis­ease, though his team's find­ings are useful to helping to better under­stand the disease.
The second approach, which Lewis noted is much more prac­tical, involved pulse-dosing an antibi­otic to elim­i­nate per­sis­ters. The researchers intro­duced the antibi­otic a first time, which killed the growing cells but not the dor­mant per­sis­ters. But once the antibi­otic washed away, the per­sis­ters woke up, and before they had time to restore their pop­u­la­tion the researchers hit them with the antibi­otic again. Four rounds of antibi­otic treat­ments com­pletely erad­i­cated the per­sis­ters in a test tube.

This expose' ends with an examination of anthrax and a probable key to what makes the bacterial spores lay dormant in soil for hundreds of years. For anthrax it is earthworm guts where another bacteria assists anthrax to survive in the soil.

The phages that Schuch and Fischetti discovered can prompt anthrax cells to remain in a growing, or vegetative, state even when they are in soil. In this condition the cells can form sticky biofilms that resist harsh wind and rain. Moreover, the researchers found that these lysogenic phages bestow anthracis with the ability to colonize earthworm guts, which Schuch calls "a safe haven" for the bacteria.

It is a logical conclusion that dormant Lyme and Coronavirus have like anthrax a biofilm which embeds in the body and activates under stress. Cells signal when the body is weak or sick, and this would be the key to activating a bacteria, virus, fungus, as it would then have the best opportunity to reproduce and survive, and not be overcome by the body's defenses.

Those who hijacked national labs for these bioweapons, produced agents which are beyond what these government germ labs ever thought of. These virus are complex creatures and are constantly outflanking defenses. In watching the surprises that Coronavirus has, in the same construction of other bioweapons, it is a given there are more surprises coming, as I would project that just like anthrax lives in soil, that this Wuhan will live in water, and has a symbiotic relationship with the animal kingdom to perpetuate it.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
