Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Coronavirus Super Depression Corronavirus Super War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I spend time on threads and in forensic psychology, I have been watching people in North America tear each other apart in minders setting of debates that this pandemic is not serious, and that we need to save our economy, and people do not matter, as they are going to die anyway.

The Mockingbird minder, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III has been driving this on orders with the "get the economy moving ilk" to place American's lives in jeopardy. Before people go into a rage either way, just read the next part of this exclusive so you understand something.

We're Heading for a Self-Inflicted Great Depression - The Rush Limbaugh Show   eib

In all of this fear and frustration, people are forgetting that a Great Depression was already on world from the Obama Super Depression of 2008 which put the Birther into power. Each of you had read that the Stock Market was going to crash as this much debt inflation could not go on for another year.

For Rush Limbaugh and those trolls talking about getting the economy moving and blaming Coronavirus or Americans securing themselves in their homes, are diverting from the Truth that the United States was going to enter into a Great Depression form this point on into 2021 AD in the year of our Lord. Each of you has forgotten in this chaos that you were informed here, that we already were in a Trump Recession, no matter the money pumping.

Coronavirus was an excuse by the cartel to do what it was going to do. China's paper dragon economy was already in depression and will continue to degrade. Those people getting insanely wild about the economy and restrictions are overlooking the fact that all of this was coming anyway, and there is nothing that any one of us could do about it.

I am typing this on Friday, April 17th, and it publishes today, so you know the reality of the next two weeks. The reality is, the cartel has looted trillions of dollars from the US Treasury in this scheme. The US is in the midst of a Great Depression which was scheduled to come. Coronavirus is a real pandemic, but also a real distraction, and while you are looking at this in frustration and fear, you are missing the fact that the looters are not going to allow themselves to be hung. They can not have the books examined or they will be hung. That leaves the two solutions they pattern at, in there will be a massive terrorist attack to hide the books in what was stolen and there will be a massive war to balance the books.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
