Tuesday, May 5, 2020

3.4 Obama Million for a Chinese Weapon's Lab for Coronavirus

We killed the world with 3.4 million dollars for a Chicom bioweapons factory.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In tallying up the expenditures of Birther Hussein Obama, as Blacks now are dying from coughing up lungs in America from the virus that Obama created, and not just murdered by his dope lord bullets, is that Obama spent two amounts which changed the world.

Obama gave like 1.5 billion dollars to the communists of Iran and they made nuclear weapons with it, yet to be fired at the world.

Obama gave 3.4 million dollars to build a weapon's lab in Wuhan China where this virus originated. For the Greens who adored Obama, they should know that the Chinese took bat virus, fed it to baby pigs to make them sick, and then fed the baby pigs to cannibal pigs which ate them alive.

This 3rd world Obama Birther, really has some horrid friends.

The problem in the west with Coronavirus has been the Communist Cronies of Obama who worshiped the idea of pandemics coming out of China to kill all of us.

Bill Gates, Other Elites Inducted Into Communist Chinese Academy   newam

These creatures keep pedaling global pandemics to make money off of, and they show up, and they hinder treatments like Chloroquine and then make money off of draconian vaccines which have killed people before.

Just saying that this bunch who has deemed themselves executioners of the human race look like they are the ones you would not trust to decide if you should wear a coat or not, and they all look like they eat bats!!!

The Lame Cherry says, these people have done nothing for any of us. They instead take the sides of those who hate us. I say we take 99% of their billions, as 1% will still leave these bat eaters hundreds of millions of dollars.

Return the money to the People as no one would by these creature's photos would trust them to make any decisions with our lives.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
