Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Donald Trump Give Them A Real Lincoln Project

Time for the Pandemic President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When God informed me that He was raising up a Jehu, I delighted in a man who drove his chariots so furiously that from a distance everyone knew he had the reigns. Time and again in 2016 this Lame Cherry called for Donald Trump to fulfill his destiny in being the kind of tyrant Americans need to make America great again.

Yet time and again, this President has waited out the clock and not been an Obama in throwing his and Hillary Clinton's political rivals into prison on trumped up charges like John Edwards and Rod Blagojevich.

Now the Obama ass kissers, the very group who sucked fag funds out of your pensions and retirement accounts in the Karl Rove political planners, the very people who created plague China and Jeb Bush said you were lazy and needed to work harder like the other imported slaves, has taken on Abraham Lincoln's name and produced an asstard Mourning in America, to help Joe Biden be elected the brain dead Prez.

Reed Galen was about to go to sleep one night last week when his phone pinged. President Trump was tweeting about him and his group of longtime Republican allies who are working to make sure Trump is not reelected.

It was the most attention the Lincoln Project had received. The political action committee was formed by a small group of Republican strategists with ties to politicians such as former President George W. Bush, former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the late Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Several have ties to California. They have endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for president.

This blog has informed you in depth what a tyrant and despot Abraham Lincoln was. He had cabinet members writing out warrants to arrest people in the first Patriot Act without any bounds. He had military thugs burning down people's homes, exiling them, hanging them and shelling civilians who were against the Union.

There was nothing Presidential about Abraham Lincoln, but then George Washington in the Whiskey Rebellion called out Federal Troops to shoot Americans in Pennsylvania protesting taxes.

So in that, the Lame Cherry calls upon President Trump to stop being pussy. Give these treacherous money whores of Karl Rove and Fag Street the Lincoln pen. That Dicky Grennel has been firing and creating positions in intelligence, like a cyber lord, so have him create a Prosecutor General, and appoint Michael Flynn to start signing death warrants on your enemies, and I will be Mike Flynn can sign arrest warrants faster than any Judge can sign injunctions on your policies, as it is a little hard to pound a gavel, when you got robes in a FEMA camp awaiting your own hangman's noose.

This pandemic has Americans fed up with rules. They want to blow off some steam. Put a bounty on your enemies, let the people collect, dead or alive, and we can go on to having a nice peaceful country where we start dividing up the spoils of these rich folk on the quasi right and left.

Come on Mr. President, find your inner Jehu and let him drive furiously. You can't win with voter mail fraud or any of these other machinations, so crack down and make them all pass under the rod in the Trump Measure.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
