Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Covering the Jewish Corona Ass

Of course we are innocent.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been an interesting sideshow from the Marxist Mosaad, which has been part of the attempted framing and impeachment of President Trump and his associates from Day One, acting in the shadows in Italy, in working with that intelligence service.

The sideshow is the reaction of Tel Aviv to Coronavirus. The Jews were in a panic over this virus from the beginning. In a completely Nazi and disgusting carpetbagger blood libel, when the world was frightened by this plague, Jews appeared in their media propaganda to be the only nation selling safe medical gear, and shortly after this, Jews from the weapon's lab announced they had a cure for Coronavirus, which was infecting you with a vaccine of another mutant Coronavirus. Yes Frankenvirus sounds like just what the world needs in, why just have one biological weapon in humans, as the Jews wanted to remove all FDA restrictions and sell their virus as a "food product" and inject away to their great profits.

None of this explains though why the Jews were so enlightened about this Coronavirus, a bat virus, as this was the virus they chose to study before all of this happened, out of all the viruses in the world, and then claim they had a vaccine from their bio weapon lab for this bio weapon.

The floated explanation, which first appeared among Jews, was that thee Americans warned them in November of this pandemic, even before the Chinese knew it. As this did not gain traction, ABC for the CIA of John Brennan lurkers, actually named names, in it was the military bioweapon's lab in Fort Detrick which took classified information and notified NATO and of course the Jews of this plague.
Apparently we are to assume the Jews were warned as the Kushner's were Jews looking out for their own, but it does not explain why Tel Aviv was frantic from the start in containing this virus, as they KNEW JEWS WOULD BE SUSCEPTIBLE TO THIS PLAGUE.

It turns out though, that it was not the Kushner's at all, because even their good friend, Benjamin Netanyahu yawned at the news of the pandemic, and Donald Trump added his yawn, as the story goes, everyone knew this was coming, were warned.........and lions, and tigers and bears OH MY, no one was doing anything except military intelligence.

US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report

White House was reportedly not interested in the intel, but it was passed onto NATO, IDF; when it reached Israel’s Health Ministry, ‘nothing was done’

The problem with this fraud ABC CIA Mosaad story is the Director of NCMI,  Dr. Shane Day, has gone on record stating THERE WAS NOT ANY REPORT. So there could not have been any alerts to the White House, to NATO nor to Tel Aviv.

This story is a fake as Donald Trump hiring Russian teenage whores to piss in the bed in Moscow on the sheets Michelle and Barack Obama slept in. When Mosaad is trying to install Hillary Clinton, protect Obama and protect their asses, apparently there is nothing from little girl whores to US bioweapon labs fictions which are out of reach.

For the record in this, the Jews are squirming in Mosaad, because Kushner's Shin Bet, has been displacing the Mosaad communists in America. The Jews are squirming because this Coronavirus is based on their Arabian SARS virus, which they created as a replacement for a virus the Iranian communists had contracted for out of Switzerland. These leftist Jews are real backstabbers in they are covering their asses, for their part in this pandemic, from and Obama lab in Wuhan, and they are trying to blame Trump and Netanyahu to bring them down, before the pieces are put together and these hideous murderers are brought to trial.

One wonders what Jews in the Jewish state would react like, in having all those Uzi guns and grenades, if knowing that 44% of the active cases in the Israeli state are their own children. In other words, another power play Mosaad operation has come to bite Jews in the ass by killing their own people with their own bioweapon SARS virus they created.

44% of active virus cases in Israel are children — report

Forty-four percent of the active COVID-19 cases in Israel are children, reports Channel 13, citing Health Ministry officials who express concern regarding the reopening of schools today and hope the impact will not be too extreme.

Jews can think about that or not think about that reality but Americans should be thinking about the fact that Mosaad, just as in the JFK assassination, the Liberty being blown up, 9 11 celebrations and the coups against Donald Trump, have again in order to cover their asses as part of these operations which harmed Americans, are now feeding propaganda which helps the communists of China, the mullahs of Iran, and every nation is now believing that the United States knew about this, and did nothing to stop it.

That is the kind of propaganda that overthrows the Administration of Donald Trump and puts the Mosaad's Hillary stooge into the White House, and breeds first strike attacks on  the United States by nuclear powers in Russia and biological warfare powers in China.

The above propaganda, is Mosaad saving themselves, at the pandemic, nuclear and biological weapon's deaths of Americans. This is serious and the United States must take this propaganda serious as this is the kind of fake news which brings nuclear terrorism into the United States.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
