Monday, May 25, 2020

God's Memorial Day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I only observe May 30th, not this gutter trash festival of convenience for the weekend warriors too busy with debauchery to honor the dead, but this is not about me, nor the dead, this is about the gutter trash and the Bible reading of the first day of the week in Sunday, May 24th, in this year of the Coronavirus.

These are the Words of the Lord God.

10  "I sent plagues among you as I did to Egypt. I killed your young men with the sword, along with your captured horses. I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps, yet you have not returned to me," declares the Lord. 11  "I overthrew some of you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. You were like a burning stick snatched from the fire, yet you have not returned to me," declares the Lord. 12  "Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel, and because I will do this to you, Israel, prepare to meet your God." 

That sounds like God's Hand is in the Coronavirus, in 9 11 overthrowing cities, Obama stock crashes overthrowing nations and terrorists slaughtering the Soldiers, and each time God snatched Americans and the world from the fire, but what is coming is different, because God will not use the pagan, the traitor, the apostate, the foreigner to work correction, because God has events in motion which HE WILL ACCOMPLISH, and as God drags this disgusting bleating people out to the slaughter pit, the Word of the Lord is clear, in the moment of Judgment, the moment of Reckoning, PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD IN DEATH.

Death is the grand arbitrator. It strips off all pretense and entrapments. There are no mansions nor stock portfolios to enlarge you cock size. There are no smiling preachers or bribed police state to slap others around and let you pass by. There are no guns to defend yourselves. There is nothing, but you spiritually naked, coming to the conclusion that demons are dragging you away to hell as you rejected Christ in this life, or there is Jesus the Christ, the Lord Almighty, Son of God, Who knows your every fault, so there is none of that deception or lying about how wonderful you are, as He knows all, Omniscient, and it is just you there to face everything you did in life, and the balance is one which you notice that obedience to God is light, caring for others is light, but the weights are heavy in self righteousness and all the sins you indulged in.
There is no running away from what you are when you Meet Your God, as most of you look at your god in the mirror, worship you prosperity and bow down to the oppression of others. It is why in the balance of the scales, all that saves the Faithful, is when Jesus places His Saving Hand on the scales and tips them to Salvation only by, through and from Him. The rest are told to depart to hell.

You are being warned. Few of you are doing a gut check at this moment in knowing what you are. Most are shrugging it off and the majority have clicked onto something else sexy like some new scandal or Coronavirus revelation. God is using this Coronavirus, the work of evil men and women, to progress the time line to Christ's return.  Evil manifests from evil, and it consumes both the good and the evil in return.
This blog had mentioned noticing the past years as if God had been taking people out of this life, as if He was saving them, and it is evident what He has saved them from. Some were removed as this plague struck and I thanked God they were delivered. Others are ready to drink of the overflowing wrath of the Lord as the cup is full.

I hope that the Lame Cherry is the last Prophet in the land. I hope this as in the Old Testament, the voice in the wilderness was the last Prophet, before the Witness of Christ appeared. I pray that the Two Witnesses, who bring testimony to convict the evil of this world for Judgment appear. I pray that they will have laid upon them their vocation for which they were created.

I believe God.  I believe the Word of the Lord. I believe that from this point on, that what takes place will be from God and He will perform it to the last dreg wrung to the last drop of all the evil this world has stored up and is unleashed.

Some will go through this and be whitened. Some will be taken. According to Prophecy, most will lie rotting. Just remember, that in opening up this world, you have not been liberated, but instead have been made to pass through the valley of the Corona. This is only the beginning, not the end, and God is remembering iniquity, rebellion and sin, no righteousness, holiness and obedience.

Nuff Said

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