Monday, May 25, 2020

The Trump 2020 Wave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I watch President Donald Trump reopening America, I do so with intrepidation, as the intelligence forces which funded this "open American protest" and Goldman Sachs, getting the whips and chain ready to drive people off of unemployment safety into the death of this pandemic, everything I know about this intelligent virus tells me that Donald Trump is making the worst mistake in reopening America too early.

As this blog noted in inquiry, the biggest problem in waves would be the Mexicans. This wave has not even begun yet, but is spiking horridly in the meat slaughter plants across America in 3rd week May. Couple this ghetto Blacks having their Corona epidemic, and the Indians having their spread, the United States has numbers of people who are not resistant to this plague, and they catch it in large numbers to their detriment.

Much has been made about the open states like South Dakota, North Dakota and Florida. The Dakotas have Germans, Norwegians and Slavs. For the most part Protestants and insanely CLEAN and they go into self preservation mode, so they do not spread the coof. Florida has millions of old people, who have the same cleanliness and isolation. The problem in these touted states is they are BURNING with self imposed lockdowns unique to their people.

The Lame Cherry will tell you something else which no one else will. Why do Montana and Wyoming have low rates? It is because the ultra rich own retreats there. I told you this is a THINKING virus and this virus does not attack it's own. The rates were higher in New York for the rich, who are shit stained on top of their tan skins servants, but New York and every wealthy area does not get the plague as the virus will not attack it's own.

So the Lame Cherry is telling you something, this virus should make in the second wave, make the first wave look like a picnic, as people have been conditioned to not respect it. If it does not spread, that means this virus was being deliberately spread by humans. If it does spread, then Goldman Sachs has a policy to infect and kill as many Americans as their stocks can accumulate to cut welfare costs, and what the second wave is aimed at is White Americans in the 28 million poverty wage class.
Those Americans are being told they will be starved out by unemployment ending or they can die of the coof at work.

President Trump: 'We're not going to close the country,' even if there's a second wave of COVID-19 - TheBlaze   blaze

In watching my area of the country, it is meat slaughter plants with foreigners, and Indians spreading this, and it is getting into the Black ghettos and the outlier Whites are contracting this plague. It is the poor working Whites, who are getting sick being around the foreign plague carriers. The very FORGOTTEN MAN that Donald Trump said he would never forget.

What I am trying to stress here, America is closing in on 100,000 dead, over 1.5 million infections AFTER isolating. Those are damned severe numbers, and now people are being forced back out as Darwin Candidates, and in those numbers I see five times the infection rate by July. Donald Trump can state whatever in not closing down America from a second wave, because if this goes where it will, he will have nothing to say about this, as the country is going to close itself down, and then all the Bill Cunningham and George Noory whip crackers telling people they have to get out and get infected, are going to find  the paradigm which has already been factored out, in, most of these poor people have guns behind their locked doors. It is why you keep seeing the fake polling in the public wants more gun control. The stage is being set for firearms nullification, linked to vaccination.

Americans are being trapped, not by the lockdowns which they desire, but by the reality that they are being told to get out and die for a job to serve Wall Street. The President has given People no alternatives in People will be starved out or pandemic outed, and when faced with danger and danger situations a Bonnie and Clyde mentality appears as in America in the Dirty 30's, where the public at large supported armed gangsters being notorious as the country had abandoned Americans to soup lines.

I have no inquired on this again, so I do not have the numbers. I just know this virus is going to spread, spread hard and what should have been a reality of this over for Whites in June, the constant contamination of Whites by these foreigners, will burn this into August, and put people into such a psychologically assaulted brainwashing, that they will accept forced vaccinations.
I have stated that this President has 900 million injections ready for the military to force you to take with Homeland directing, that number of injections purchased means they are not going to waste and people will be forced or starved out.

The policies which are being implemented are designed for a panic and violent response, which the police state will crush to provide a further castration of the psyche to make the human submit to everything.

There can not be anything good which comes of this, because I know this virus, I know it's heartbeat and what it does. As I have stated, if it violates what it has done before, then this virus is not just a bioweapon, it is spread by bioweapon engineers deliberately.

This bioweapon has set patterns. It takes weeks to establish. It then incubates, and creates a massive infection, which burns hot for 2 months, and then continues smouldering a shocking rates, which would have terrified you before it struck, but as it only kills hundreds, instead of thousands, it is deemed not so threatening. Once it gets into a community, it has at this point, never abated. It keeps infecting people through feces.

Inoculation strain or not, I have not seen data which shows that the inoculation strain is prevailing in the Beaner, Black and Tonto strains, and those strains are by shit stain, infecting significant groups of Whites.

How Donald Trump wins an election like that, and is not swept out by the Corona wave could only happen in another fixed American election.

Americans are being jerked around by insane policies of isolation and now forced exposure. It is deliberately confusing them and they are in turn on the verge of giving up, which is the psychology behind this. The very treatments of Chloroquine and Ivomec which would stop all of this, have been stopped, and instead billions are flowing to French, African and English pharms to inject Americans with their promises, which 28% of Americans are stating they want no part of.

The Lame Cherry is not about to lead people to injections. The Lame Cherry is not about to tell people to go out and endanger themselves. The Lame Cherry is not about to promote policies of the police state whipping you out of your homes with starvation to get you to serve Wall Street.

America is being laid wide open, and in this, the rich people in their retreats, high rises and mansions are not contracting this thinking virus, while it is being spread, and now certain White populations are being targeted again in cross contamination.

Only this blog again is making this issue known and it is because I do not get the 65,000 FBI mole salary to lead people around with their agenda nor the Kushner media in their exclusives.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
