Sunday, May 24, 2020

Houston, We Have a Coronavirus Vaccine Problem

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know that the Lame Cherry usually has some satire or smart ass remarks in every post, but for this one, it is too deadly serious and even the going to hell rich for not donating, deserve the sober face, as this blog has kept you informed correctly from the start of this plague, and has told you to prepare for the worst, as it appears a second wave of infections is meant to break your will to taking this "vaccine" which the United States has ordered 900 million doses of.

There are 3 primaries in this, the French in Sanofi, the Africans in Moderna and AstraZeneca from England. The government has been coordinating a public, private and in house testing, which is coordinated out of Washington State. The Phase 1 trials of limited testing has finished and Phase 2 in in motion for July, and they are looking for 100,000 people to inject these serums into.

US To Launch Massive COVID Vaccine Test, Involves Over 100,000 "Volunteers"

Collins said a Moderna Inc vaccine, developed in conjunction with the NIH, will be the first one to enter testing in July. He said vaccines from Britain's Oxford University and AstraZeneca Plc could shortly follow.

The first up to be tested is Moderna, who Donald Trump has working for thee American People out of the White House. This Lame has told you that the President has invested 1.2 billion dollars into the AstraZeneca serum,  but the problem is in monkeys, the MONKEYS CAUGHT CORONAVIRUS TO THE LAST ONE AFTER THEE INJECTION.
The British are saying that the monkeys would have gotten a more severe case, but the problem in this is, is that the monkeys caught the virus anyway, and no one knows for certain if this serum did a thing or not.

The sobering part in this, is that the monkey testing is not the worst news. Moderna, which uses aborted baby cells out of kidneys has touted the effectiveness of their mRNA 1237, the problem is microbiologists looking at Dr. Anthony Fauci's remarks, have noted he was painting a picture for the Bill Gates dead baby vaccine which was not true. Fauci fabricated the results to make them look better.

Harvard Medical School Prof Questions Fauci's
'Shading' Vax Results

Robert Kennedy jr. is someone in politics which most of us disagree. He is a watchdog on these vaccines, and he had a few remarks about the Moderna serum which are thee released data.

I published here the link to Moderna's trials. They tested injections of 50 to 250 mcg in healthy people. The 1237 is a messenger RNA, which is designed to be introduced in a fat soluble solution by injection. The 1237 then is supposed to neutralize the spike protein in Coronavirus bioweapon, and wrap it up, and flush it out of the body. This synthetic creation though in high dose injections of 250 mcg, was not doing what it was intended. Instead of stopping the virus, it was making people sick, as in, need of hospital care sick.

Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab.
Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data,but its press release,which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention. “

Moderna also did not find that everyone in the testing produced antibodies, as is what 1237 is supposed to accomplish. So this serum which is not supposed to cause sickness, but negate Coronavirus, is somehow replicating and the body is getting very sick with this new protein injected inside of it.
1237 is not producing results at these levels as intended and is instead producing another dangerous condition which is almost killing people.

Moderna did not explain why it reported positive antibody tests for only eight participants.These outcomes are particularly disappointing because the most hazardous hurdle for the inoculation is still ahead; challenging participants with wild COVID infection.
Past attempts at developing COVID vaccines have always faltered at this stage as both humans and animals achieved robust antibody response then sickened and died when exposed to the wild virus.

The reality is this vaccine from Moderna and AstraZeneca, is one which makes people sick, and the other offers no protection at all as people still get Coronavirus. In real world conditions, that means 1.5 billion people are going to get really sick and no one is not going to not get Coronavirus.

This is beyond unacceptable. The data is not complete enough on lower injection amounts to verify what those injections are harming or accomplishing. What I told you for is to prepare, because a second wave is being deliberately generated. The Swedes have been exposed as absolute fools in their open killing of the elderly produced no herd immunity. Instead thee American regime is pushing people back to work to get this virus, is cutting off unemployment to the poor and trying to break the will of the people, for a forced mass injection, where a whistleblower is stating that almost 100% of the women who are injected are sterilized. Couple that with Coronavirus sterilizes men by eating their testicles, and no one is going to be left in the world as the cure is killing and harming more people than Coronavirus ever could.

As I said this is sobering, and we know the Gates trolls have lied about this serum. Sanofi out of France is still to be examined in their work based on army worms, but the reason these RNA vaccines do not work, kill people with the flu shot, is because they do not work.

The last thing any nation or person should be doing now is going out and getting exposed to this Coronavirus or allowing anyone to starve you into an injection as the fudged data is alarming, and when RFK jr is forwarding Moderna's false statements on Phase 1 to the authorities to prosecute Moderna, this is not looking like any solution for any human who wants to continue to live.

Moderna’s press announcement heralded “Positive Interim Phase 1 findings”. I have forwarded that claim to my colleagues in securities law; FTC rules restrict the amount of lipstick public companies may slather on bad donkeys.

It probably explains why the executives of Moderna dumped millions of dollars in stocks before the results were known as Moderna's magic serum for Ann Coulter's magic bat ass Corona, is not going to make that company any money for the stock dividends.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
