As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Let's here it for Victor Davis Hansen, Jeff Rense, George Noory, Rush Limbaugh in their open societies in a pandemic, and their god model of Sweden as the herd immunity answer to it all.
Coronavirus: Sweden’s death toll becomes world's highest per capita ∞ newsau
Yes Sweden which kills it old folks like Andrew Cuomo in putting thee infected in to the midst of the aged, has led the way for more deaths per million than the United States, and now it is nothing but a death machine.
But wait, let us ground to the bone this idea that protecting the poor White American, the ghetto Nigger, the wetback and the Injun has any value, as they drain the rich people's looting of the world, as we have to cut off benefits to them and drive them back out to the work force, or starve them to death, as death, death, death is the mantra of this red state cult.
New CDC Figures Show Fauci's Dishonest COVID-19 Projections Were Garbage ∞ redstate
Talk about lies, we were all told that Sweden would work, and it has not worked, except to force Donald Trump to open up America for a tidal wave of plague through the summer of 2020. Sweden has shown NO antibodies for herd immunity after all their experts touted and promised. Sweden murdered elderly people for a false science, and now no one is being hung in Sweden of the United States for this fake data.
Wuhan lab admits to having three live strains of bat coronavirus ∞ nypost
If this opening up of America goes as bad as it can, there is not going to be any America left to shut down or open up. There is not going to be an economy. There is not going to be anything but a massive police state, nuclear military and scattered gatherers.
Oh yes the 1950's pandemic was bad, the 1970's pandemic was bad, no shut downs, no anything, just people dying, but those were not BIOWEAPONS designed to kill, kill, and keep killing.
Who is going to be held accountable for touting the Swedish Model as the solution for America, when that model has just been shown to be a disaster. Sweden is running 396 deaths per million. The United States is running 300 deaths per million. Spain 615, UK and Italy 542. France 435, and these Latin peoples, which the United States overflows with, has just opened up it's population to the same mass ass grab that Italy had, and is still burning.
What is taking place in America is the Swedish Model. America had these stats in not following the Swedes.
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Anyone who is not a paid CIA traitor should be able to comprehend that by August the United States will have over 300,000 dead and over 5 million infections, as the above numbers are what containment looks like when this virus is deliberately spread.
Is Dr. Anthony Fauci a self serving problem? Yes he is, but what about those who just shoved America into what is coming. Where are the hangmen being readied for these plague spreaders as someone must be held accountable for what they have done to America to "save the economy".
Nuff Said